
Monday, December 9, 2013

Reader Reviews: Catching Fire

Here are the Reader Reviews of The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, where your reviews are compiled into one post. The general consensus of the Readers is in line with Rotten Tomatoes' 89% Fresh rating because no one disliked the film, with everyone enjoying the film to varying degrees. For the reviews that have a rating system, I have added those after the link and those that commented with a summary of their review, I have added that. Also please check back tomorrow for my full review of Catching Fire and next week I will have a short spoiler thoughts because there was so much to talk about the film. 

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire Review by Jordan: WOW! What a step up for an already impressive franchise. Catching Fire elevated the Hunger Games series to a whole new level while delivering one of the year's best blockbusters (and most faithful book adaptations). A fantastic effort by everyone involved. Everyone who saw Catching Fire cannot wait to see Mockingjay Part I now! (RRS: 9/10)


Cindy Prascik's The Hunger Games: Catching Fire: 7/9

Movie Review - Catching Fire by Stillwater (spoilers)

Catching Fire Film Review by Shena Tokala (spoilers): "Besides the meanings of the overall story, there were many other things in the plot that I enjoyed. The Quarter Quell (which made me think "WHAT! NO!" while reading) was perfectly handled and made so different that we don't feel like we're re-treading known ground. The arena looked magnificent and was an impressive feat in of itself. In fact, this whole section was my favorite part, not only did it help us to learn more about our characters, it helped, even more, to stress who the real villain are. Even though some of the tributes aren't on our heroes side, they aren't villanized and you don't hate them- incredible film making right there."

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire by Sarah: 5/5- "The deeper side is why I adore it, but as even as pure entertainment this movie is just about as thrilling as it can be, and astonishingly well-made."

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1 comment:

  1. I know the book is always supposed to be better, but it was the movies that really got me to like the characters. I actually felt bad for them in the movie, and was cheering them on the whole time.


One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.