
Saturday, December 28, 2013

Internet Explorer in Anime?

Microsoft's Internet Explorer web-browser has a new ad campaign featuring an anime character named Inori Aizawa that battles malware, and this recently released commercial features some impressive animation quality and cool symbolism. It was created for Anime Festival Asia, and it is one of my favorite ads of the year. I would like to know the opinion of non-anime fans as well as fans of the medium of the ad. I would certainly watch more of these type ads if they were released, what do you think? Please comment below.

Here is the soundtrack to the video. I like it a lot.

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  1. This is pretty interesting! Although I do not know why Microsoft would still be making ads for a browser like Internet Explorer...

    1. Well, Explorer is losing user share as both Chrome and Firefox grow in popularity. That would explain why they are trying to promote.


  2. Hmmmmm, that was interesting! In a way it's almost laughable to me because Internet Explorer has never been amazing to any degree for me and to see them present it as such makes me shake my head. However, the commercial idea is very interesting and I would probably watch more commercials like this. I'm still not a fan of the anime style, though. :)


    1. Internet Explorer used to be my preferred browser until it stopped working with Blogger, but each browser has its positives and negatives. :)


  3. Wow, this is actually pretty awesome ^_^ Too bad Chrome is better

    1. I know, I was really surprised by how awesome it was when I stumbled upon it. But I agree, Chrome is better for the most part. Thanks for the comment Lucy!



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