
Friday, December 6, 2013

Amazing Spider-Man 2 Trailer!

The new trailer for The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is here! Wow, the trailer surprised me a ton! The movie is entirely different than I had expected, especially since Dane DeHaan as Harry Osborn looks awesome! He looks like he will be the Joker or Loki of the Spider-Man franchise and Dane DeHaan is surely going to kill it in the role. But, there are some issues I have with the with trailer. For one, why are there so many villains!? The last time we had three villains in a Spider-Man movie, we got the massive train-wreck that was Spider-Man 3. Seriously, what was the last superhero movie to have three villains and not suck? On the positives, Spider-Man's suit is ripped straight from the comics! While he does look a little too cartoony, I hope the special effects will be improved between now and the release date. Also Dane DeHaan looks more like the Hobgoblin than the Green Goblin, so I am not sure how they are going to handle the character. There are some heavy references to the Sinister Six with the Doc Ock arms and the Vulture's wings in the background, as well as the six doors for each Sinister Six member. Electro looks cool and his powers look awesome. Paul Giamatti as Rhino is could be better, and his Rhino suit looks like something from the old Transformers: Beast Wars series.
But, with any luck, maybe The Amazing Spider-Man 2 can live up to Sam Raimi's spectacular second entry in his Spider-Man franchise. Plus, Andrew Garfield looks as amazing as ever in the role of Peter Parker. 

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  1. The movie looks awesome hands down! *Spoilers* About the Hobgoblin thing, I'm not sure, but I've only seen the Hobgoblin in the Spider Girl comics, so who knows what they might do! *End of Spoilers* I'm really hoping that *Spoilers, though it's a well known spoiler* Gwen doesn't die in this movie. People are saying she might because on filming sets, she's wearing an outfit that looks a lot like what she wore in the comics when she was killed. *End of Spoiler* Anyway, I agree with what you said about how it looks cartoony. When I first saw the link to the video, I was sure it was fake with how cartoony it looked. Then I typed it into Google and all the big time news papers were posting it-I wonder how J.J. Jameson would feel about that! Out of the realm of spidey jokes, I really hope this movie is as amazing as the trailer looks. I'm not too sure about the 3 villains as you've stated above, while I enjoyed Spidey 3, I'll admit it wasn't the best compared to Spidey 1 and Spidey 2. I'm really hoping that ASM2 will be as good as the first one was. Fingers crossed!

    1. *Spoilers* The Hobgoblin is not Harry in the comics, but Harry does look like the Hobgoblin in this movie. As much I wish she would not die in this movie, I think there is a chance since I also saw the set pics with her in that outfit. And if she is killed, some version of the Goblin will have to do it, and I really hope they do it just like the comics. Haha, good one about J.J!


  2. I hope the spectacle (big explosions, massive sets) does not drown out the story. That was one of the things that killed Man of Steel.

    1. Agree with you 100%, and I agree about Man of Steel was major overkill with the explosions.


  3. I saw this trailer last night and I agree, it looks really awesome!! :D I was very happy to see that Harry was going to be in the film(I remember wondering where he was in the first film). If the filmmakers can keep doing what they did with the first The Amazing Spider-Man, it should be exciting(and I agree, too many villains could be a problem).

    1. I am happy to see Harry in the film as well, and DeHaan looks fantastic in the role. :) David Webb is returning to direct, which is great though! :D


  4. AHHHH So exciting!!!! I hope it lives up to everyone's expectations!!!!


    1. Me too! So hope the movie rocks and lives up to my expectations!


  5. Very excited! I can't say that Harry looks as nice as he did in the other Spiderman movies. Also I really loved his character from the Sam Raimi ones as well.
    Did I mention that I actually liked the third Spiderman? It was rather interesting, and more villains sounds awesome!

    God Bless,

    1. I kind of like the eccentric look for Harry in the film, but James Franco was so great in Raimi's films.
      Yes, I do believe you have mentioned that you like that movie. But I still am not sure about all the villains though.


  6. This trailer was surprisingly good. I like the way the action scenes were executed, except the last ones between Electro and Spidey.

    I am much more excited for this movie, compared to X-Men: Days of Future Past. I just hope that they can handle the excess number of villains without spoiling the movie's quality.


    1. I agree with you about the action. It looks as though it will be Amazing to watch.

      I can't decide which movie I want to see more between this and DoFP since both have me very excited, however Spidey's trailer is better.



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