
Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Thor: The Dark World After Credits Scene Explained

If you have not seen Thor: The Dark World, go watch it right now and then return and read this post. 
Now that you have seen Thor: The Dark World, you may have been confused by the after credits scene since even hardcore fans like myself had to think about what exactly we just saw. The weird looking alien guy played by Benicio del Toro is The Collector. The Collector will be featured in upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy film and the after credits scene was actually filmed by Guardians director, James Gunn. The Collector is one the Elders of the Universe, a group of cosmic entities that are the last remaining survivors from each of their respective race. He is virtually immortal and is much older than the Asgardian realms itself; he also has limited precognitive ability. As the Collector's name implies, he collects powerful objects and different races from the galaxy so that he can repopulate the universe if a cataclysmic event happens. While the Collector is not necessarily evil, he has fought the Avengers and other heroes when he attempted to collect them. In the comics, he and the other members of the Elders of the Universe were each given an Infinity gem (or stone) to prevent Thanos or any other bean from using the stones. Although not exact, the films appear to be following the Thanos storyline with the Collector obtaining the Infinity gems, which is confirmed when he states, "One down, five to go." At this point, whether or not the Collector is aiding Thanos or working against him is unknown. My guess is that the Guardians of the Galaxy happen upon one of the Infinity Stones and the Collector and other possibly other parties, want the stone for themselves. Below are a few pictures of Oscar winning actor, Benicio del Toro, as The Collector and below that is a picture of the Collector from the comics and del Toro. As for the after credits scene itself, the tone and look was kind of odd, but I am hopeful that the Guardians of the Galaxy will bring something entirely new and unique to comic book movies. 

For more information on the Collector and the after credits scene, watch the video below.

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  1. Cool. Thanks for the explanation and the video, it all makes much more sense now. Excitement for Guardians of the Galaxy continues to grow!

    1. Glad I could explain it better, and I agree, that scene makes me even more excited for the Guardians of the Galaxy!


  2. Thanks for the explanation! Good to know who that guy was exactly. :)

  3. I've been wondering what the heck that after credit scene was! Thanks for explaining it; I still don't know how I feel about Guardians of the Galaxy, but that character in particular sounds very interesting, so hopefully we'll see him more. :)


    1. I still just about everyone was wondering who the heck he was after that scene! :) Glad that my explanation helped.I think the Guardians of the Galaxy will, at worst, be a lot of fun, and at best, another great part of the Marvel universe.


  4. Thanks for the explanation! I was wondering why that part looked more like an MST3K bit than the rest of the movies, but the different director and series stuff kind of explains that.

    1. Glad to do it! Haha, even though I have not really seen MST3K, I have seen some pictures and that scene kind of did look like the show. To my knowledge, most of the after credit scenes other than Iron Man 1's was directed by the director of the film it was referencing like Iron Man 2's hammer after credits scene was directed by Kenneth Branagh.


    2. I didn't know that about the stingers! Nifty.

      MST3K is wildly fun, though a bit off-color sometimes. You can find them all online here.

  5. Nice little bit of background for those who aren't familiar with the character.


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