
Saturday, November 16, 2013

New Lindsey Striling Video!

Lindsey Striling has another new video up! This time with an original song and a fun music video. While not her best song ever, it is still fantastic. It's Lindsey Striling, when is the last time she had something not excellent? I really enjoyed the music video and the editing with clips from her world tour is executed excellently. If you have her album like I do, you have already heard the song, which is "Minimal Beat." 

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  1. Great song! :D I really like Lindsey Sterling and I think it's awesome that she has an album out :D. She's definitely very talented and deserves the praise she receives. :)

  2. This video had some great editing! This isn't one of my favorites of hers but it's still great. I have her album too!!


  3. I LOVE her!!! my playlist for NaNoWriMo is all Lindsay:) her music is beautiful.


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