
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Agents of SHIELD Full Episode 7

Here is the full episode of Agents of SHIELD that premiered last night. Since Blogger is still not working correctly, I have no idea when this post will reach the Dashboard, however I am posting it around 6:30am Eastern time. Due to unfortunate circumstances, I was unable to see Thor: The Dark World last night, however I will be seeing it today. Because of the Blogger error, I will post a link to my Thor: The Dark World review on multiple posts today so that you will know when it is up. 

If you want to contact us or have any questions please send an e-mail to


  1. Thanks for sharing the episodes on here, James. Couch Tuner wouldn't cooperate with me, so I'm glad I've got this safety net! :P I'm just getting around to watching this episode tonight. :)


    1. Always glad to do it! This is a higher quality video with Couch Tuner away, right? :)


    2. Well, from most of the players, yeah. The downside for me is the commercials, but it's bearable. :P At least all my favorite player as worked for all the new Walking Dead episodes so far.


  2. That was a great episode. A magnetic sleeping bag for infiltration?

    At the end I was worried that Agent May would turn out be Skye's mom. That would have been a dud.
    And then Coulson being denied acces to his own recovery report? He had definitely been memorywiped or rewired or something b/c clearly only Fury and maybe three other people can read the truth...

    1. You know, I have never thought of May possibly being Skye's mother since Skye doesn't look Asian, but I am glad as well. Right now, it would seem that only Fury, Hill, and the doctor guy in the first episode played by Ron Glass knows who what really happened to him.



One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.