
Friday, August 2, 2013

Return of the King: Book Vs Movie: Part 1.

It is time for some more Lord of the Rings: Books Vs. Movie posts! Similar to how I did the previous Two Towers: Book Vs. Film, you, the reader, will post in the comments (or Twitter and Facebook) what differences you want me to discuss in the post series. Make your comment as long as necessary covering as many differences that interest you the most. More differences to cover means more posts and remember if you have seen the Extend Edition of the Lord of the Rings films, note any differences you may have noticed in those since I own those as well. One point that will definitely be covered is the Scorching of the Shire, because that is obviously different from the movie. On other news, the actor who will be playing the 12th Doctor will be revealed on Sunday!
If you want to contact us or have any questions please send an e-mail to


  1. Let's see how many I remember...1) Arwen's decay 2) The Anduril business. 3) Arwen even considering going into the west at all 4) The army of the dead 5) Having Aragorn string Eowyn along until the eve of battle (since TTT, you'll remember eventually she just gave up and wanted to die) 6) Black Gate Speech/no speech 7) frodo and Bilbo suddenly going into the west without explaining why they got the exception 8) the secret stairs (transplanted from TTT) 9) inexplicably leaving Theoden dead on the battlefield (you bury his son, whose battle wasn't shown, but you don't bury him? 10) Sam attacking orcs 11)The whole business of the staff beatdown of theoden till his fiery plunge off the cliff; some was exaggerated and some was plain wrong. 12) the business of the witch king "breaking Gandalf" I quote Gandalf from the two towers "I am the most powerful person you would meet in middle-earth, unless you were taken before the seat of the dark tower itself (sauron) not an exact quote but same point. 1-11 are from the theatrical cut. Cut it definitely is...

    1. Thank you JT for listing the many differences, I knew you had a lot to say about this. These should make for a fun and long post series!


  2. I would like you to cover the difference with Shelob's lair. One of the things I hate the most about ROTK is that part where Frodo seems to trust Gollum more than Sam. Gothmog's death, (that's extended), Andruil only being forged on the their movie whereas he gets it in Rivendell in the book. Faramir and Eowyn's reltionship, they are like what? Just holding hands in the movie or something?
    All I can think of at the moment!

    God Bless,

    1. Thank you Vellvin, I will write about those as well.


    2. I just want to point out that Faramir and Eowyn are covered in the EE. I've heard that the whole proposal scene is in that version.

    3. I don't think so, JT. I've seen the extended edition and thougha while back i can't remember that. :)


One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.