
Sunday, August 4, 2013

Peter Capaldi is the 12th Doctor!

Peter Capaldi is the official 12th Doctor! After great anticipation, we finally know who the Doctor is, and it turns out that he is a relative unknown, albeit, much older than I had originally anticipated. Capaldi played a role in Series 4, Episode 2: "The Fires of Pompeii" of Doctor Who. Overall, I am relieved, there are many far worse choices out there. Fortunately, except for the age, he fits what I wanted for an unknown actor to play the Doctor. What are your thoughts on the casting?
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  1. I haven't heard of him, which makes me kinda happy because that's what I wanted. He is on the older side, but a lot of the Doctor's regeneration's are older men so I think it's a good change from young hot men. It will be interesting to see what type of twist he gives the Doctor on an overall scale.

    Yep, I think he will do just fine. :)


    1. Actually Peter is tied for the oldest Doctor yet with the first Doctor. I hope he will both bring something new and retain the humor and fun that has made the series so great. :)


  2. Glad to know who it is :D. I'm pretty glad he'll be a bit older, since I think he'll bring an ancientness to the role. Hopefully he'll be good. :)

    1. I hope so too, it would be interesting to see a more ancient Doctor, although I hope the series keeps its energy and fun of the previous Doctors. :)


  3. I like that he's pretty unknown, but still has a impressive dossier under his belt. I'm not as excited as I would be if Tom Hiddleston had stepped out of the smoke, but I think Moffat knows what he's doing, so I think he'll probably be great!

    1. True, I was more relieved than excited, if Hiddleston stepped out it would have been shocking. In Moffat we trust!


  4. Not sure I like the older look, but we'll see. In Moffat we trust. :)

    1. We will just have to wait and see, in Moffat we trust indeed. :)


  5. I have no idea....he looks weird. lol. I like Matt Smith...:( But I'm willing to give him chance. (As if I have a

    1. He does look a little weird doesn't he. I like Smith too, he was the best.


  6. I'm relieved that the 12th Doctor will be a man, not a woman. I'm also very relieved that he's an older actor. It will feel a bit like Classic Who again!

    1. Agreed! While I am not overly fond of an older Doctor, I am not against it.


  7. I like that he's been a fan of Doctor Who for a long time and that, like you said, I don't really know much about him before this. Will miss Matt, but can't wait to actually see him in the show!

  8. I had a lot of panic over this, because it was strongly rumored they were going to cast a girl. Also I really wanted Matt to have a full series with Clara. But, I'm feeling, actually, very excited about series eight now.

    I think it will be fun having an older actor, though I was surprised they cast one since they are trying to get in younger viewers. But I think an older actor might bring in some of the gentlemanly charm while still pulling off all of the quirks and childishness that goes with the Doctor. He might do the more serious, grandfatherly type, which might actually be a lot of fun with his relationship with Clara. (Though weird for her going from a young Doctor to an older one.)

    Also, I really like that he is not that well known, this seems to have worked so well in the past when they've cast. And he looks like the Doctor. So, overall, I am very happy.


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