
Thursday, August 15, 2013

Firefly Review Part 5: Episode Breakdown.

This is a breakdown of Firefly's episodes and ranking my Top 5 episodes at the end of the post. Since basically all of the episodes are fantastic, there is no real reason to give a number rating, but just a mini non-spoiler review of each and my impressions of Firefly as the series continued. This is mostly spoiler-free and I ample warnings before the spoilers.
Serenity (parts 1 & 2): The episode that started it all and was infamously aired out of order by the idiots at Fox! The first half of the episode was a little slow, albeit for good reason. It setup the characters gave the series a solid starting point to start from. While it was enjoyable, particularly the second half, the series did not immediately grab my interest. However, new comers be assured that the show continues to progress and become better later in the series.
The Train Job: Fun episode, it had a great classic western vibe to the whole thing. The action was good and the special effects where surprising impressive considering it was made top 10 years ago for TV. While I was not entirely hooked, I knew I was going to watch the series all the way regardless.

Bushwhacked: The introduction of Reavers that hinted at something grander and Shepherd Book had some good moments. Not much to say, one of the less memorable episodes.

Shindig: Now Shindig was when the started to get be hooked. Mal was hilarious in this one, and it was nice to see Kaylee gets some screen time. There was some action, Malcolm had good character development and I enjoyed the tension between Inara and Malcolm. At this point I was mostly hooked on the series.

Safe: River and Simon really came into their own in Safe. They solidified themselves as one of the best sibling teams in fiction. River is loony and loveable as ever in Safe as well. Also it had one of the many great quotes in the Gif below:

Our Mrs. Reynolds: After this episode I was 100% hooked, absolutely love this episode. Our Mrs. Reynolds is positively hilarious! It is one of those episodes that warrants multiple viewings. Saffron is one of the best characters. *Spoiler* When it turns out she is tricking everyone, it was unexpected and then she turned into an one of the best femme fatale villains. *End Spoiler* Who can forget all the quotes from this episode! Nearly every scene has a memorable line and we now know what happens to people who talk in the theater as well, just ask Book. Anything something in another culture or someone's opinion does not make sense, I now say: "Some people juggle geese."

Jaynestown: Another amazing episode and one of my favorites. Jaynestwon had everything, humor, action, character development, and so much more. While the episode is fantastic, there is not a whole lot that I can say other it was again, ridiculously quotable.

Out of Gas: Out of Gas is the episode that most people consider the best and while it was just as excellent as most other episodes, it did not seem that much better than most episodes. It would certainly rank in the upper half of my favorite episodes, but not quite Top 5. Seeing the background of the character was great and completely necessary and, it had some great suspense. If it is your favorite episode, please explain why did it your favorite episode and why everyone loves it so much.

Ariel: Fantastic episode, pure genius. Suspenseful, great action, and a perfectly placed dark moment near the end. Basically perfect, another re-watchable episode with movie quality production.

War Stories: Not exactly my favorite episode, it had its moments and Wash was given some great moments, but one of the weaker episodes in general. But it did have one particularly awesome quote:

Trash: Probably my second favorite episode of the series. *Spoiler* The return of Saffron or as Mal called her at one point, "YoSaffBridge." Saffron is such a great antagonist, even when she seems so innocent. Tons of humor and a perfect twist at the end with Inara helping the crew keep their loot. *End Spoiler*

The Message: Not the best nor the worst episode by any means, just an excellent addition to the series. There is not much to say without spoiling it, so I will say no more.

Heart of Gold: One of my least favorite episodes, however it did have some of the best action of the series and, it had a classic western feel to it. I felt Malcolm was acting out of character a few times and thought it could have been done better.

Objects in Space: Best episode ever. Even though it is saddening that this was the final episode, Objects in Space is pure brilliance, perfect humor, acting, and dialogue. River was at her best in the episode and the villain introduced, Jubal Early, was awesome. You really hate him, yet he is entertaining to watch. There scene is one scene (gif below), that is so freaking hilarious that is kills me every time I watch it, but do not read the gif if you have not seen the series.

Top 5 Episodes:
5: Aerial
4: Jaynestown
3: Ours Mrs. Reynolds
2: Trash
1: Objects in Space
What are your favorite episodes? Please comment below.
If you want to contact us or have any questions please send an e-mail to


  1. Great review!! :D I agree, I started really getting into the series around the same time you did(and yes, the first episode is a little slow).

    My favorite episodes were - The Message, Ariel, Trash, Safe, Shindig, Heart of Gold, and Objects in Space.

    While I do like Heart of Gold, I definitely agree that Malcolm was acting out of character several times in that episodes, and it bothered me.

    I think one of the reasons a lot of people consider "Out of Gas" the best is the way it was filmed(with Mal stumbling around and showing flashback begin before him, and that sort of thing).

    1. Great picks! :D

      Glad that I am not the only one who thought that about Mal in that episode.

      You are probably right, good theory about why people like it. The filmmaking in the episode was great.


  2. Well, I have re-watched the first episode and watched The Train Job. I'm trying to watch this and a few other shows at the same time, but I would like to finish the show before I publish the TV Show list I was working on.


    1. Hopefully you will be able all of it soon. I can't wait to hear your opinion of the series.


  3. My two favorites would probably be Jaynestown and Our Mrs, Reynolds :). Great review :)

    1. Awesome picks, I love those episodes so much. :) Thanks!


  4. I could never pick an absolute favorite, or put them in an order, but Ariel is way up there. Safe, Serenity, War Stories, Jaynestown, Shindig, and Our Mrs. Reynolds stand out too. Book's line about people who talk at the theater is hilarious!

    I enjoyed the read and all the great gifs!

    1. Those are all great episodes, although all of the series is excellent. Glad you enjoy it!


  5. My top 5 would be:

    1. Jaynestown
    2. Our Miss Reynolds
    3. Shindig
    4. Safe
    5. Out of Gas

    1. All excellent episodes! Thanks for your commenting with your list.



One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.