
Sunday, August 11, 2013

Doctor Who Tag: Part 3.

Here is the next part in the Doctor Who tag, also please check out the Star Wars video I have posted today.

Day 11 - Least favorite villains: Slitheen, those are the most aspect of Doctor Who to me at least, I hate them and their stupid attempts at humor.

Day 12 - Funniest moments: With many hilarious moments throughout the series, it is nearly impossible to choose! Smith brilliant run been especially hilarious. I suppose the "Fezzes are Cool" scene, that never ceases to make me laugh, also the first episode with Craig. I can't forget about the Fishsticks and custard, or "The Doctor's Wife" with the TARDIS.

Day 13 - Moments that made you cry: Never, men don't cry.

Day 14 - Saddest episode: "The Angels Take Manhattan," a saddening end to my favorite companions.

Day 15 - Favorite friendship: The Doctor and Donna and The Doctor and Rory. I really liked Donna kind of best friends relationship since it was never actually romantic. Rory and the Doctor have a unique friendship because *Spoiler* Rory is the Doctor father-in-law, which is odd, but really works. *End Spoiler*
If you want to contact us or have any questions please send an e-mail to


  1. Great :)
    I agree, the Craig episodes were very funny XD Some of my favorite of Matt Smith's run, in fact :D.
    And yes, I loved the part with the Fez :D
    I know quite a few men that have cried.

    1. Oh yeah, none of the episodes made me cry either(I usually don't cry at shows; I do that more when I'm angry, for some reason).

    2. I hope Craig returns with the new Doctor, or at least makes an appearance in the 50th special. :D

      I know there are men who have cried, I was making a statement that is true in my cast and it was kind of a joke about the clichéd saying. :)


    3. Oh yes, that would be awesome! :D

      Oh, okay, I get it(sorry, I sometimes find it hard to tell if people are joking or not). :)

  2. The Fez is one of my favorite moments as well! Can't wait for the next!

    1. Fezzes are cool! The final part will be up Sunday.


  3. I can't remember crying at any episode of NuWho or Classic Who for that matter. The closest is at the end of Planet of the Spiders, just as the Third Doctor is going to die and says good-bye to Sarah Jane. THAT was sad.

    1. Yeah, when it comes to fiction, I never cry about anything. I need to watch some of the third Doctor's season.


  4. Ugh, yes, the Slitheen. The fez scene always makes me happy, great choices there. "men don't cry" -- haha, good answer. The Doctor and Rory, that's a good one! The best Doctor Who relationships are the complicated, wibbly-wobbly ones.

    1. Slitheen are the worst, one of the few things I dislike about Doctor Who. Thank you, and Fezzes are cool. Perfect way of explaining it, or anything else Doctor Who related for that matter.


  5. I love the fezzes are cool scene too! The fish sticks and custard scene is also hilarious, and a lot of the scenes with the TARDIS in “The Doctor’s Wife”, as well. The Doctor’s interactions with Craig are always funny. For example, the “His name is Stormageddon, Dark Lord of All” scene from the second episode with Craig and the Doctor always cracks me up.

    “The Angels Take Manhattan” is indeed a saddening episode. It’s sad whenever we have to say goodbye to characters we have grown fond of. I will always miss the Ponds.

    I agree about the Doctor and Donna and the Doctor and Rory – they’re both great friendships. I think it’s good that Donna and the Doctor’s relationship was more like brother and sister than romantic. (spoiler alert) I think the very fact Rory is the Doctor’s father-in-law adds a lot to their friendship.

  6. Ah yes, the fez scene is great. XD I agree with you on the Doctor's friendships with Donna and Rory, they were really nice additions to the show.


One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.