
Sunday, May 19, 2013

Star Trek: Into Darkness Review Roundup.

Star Trek: Into Darkness the long awaited sequel to J.J. Abrams 2009 reboot of Star Trek. Since Abrams is set to direct the upcoming Star War Episode VII and that his 2009 Star Trek reboot was a lot of fun, I was kind of looking forward to seeing Into Darkness. While I do not plan to see the movie in theaters, from the reviews it should be good fun if nothing else.
Star Trek Into Darkness Review by Rath Reviews:  8.0/10- "All that being said, it was still a ton of fun and to make a long review short, if you liked the first one, you will like this one. For me, it's still lacking that certain something that I feel in a lot of my favorite movies. Here's hoping that J.J. Abrams can find that "magic" when he takes on Star Wars."
STAR TREK INTO DARKNESS REVIEW by Daniel: C+: "For a reboot series that tried so hard to tear itself away from it’s past, a lot of this feels incredibly familiar. I could go through a list of films that it borrows from but I’d spoil most of the plot. New fans should find plenty to enjoy and I did like it more often than not but not nearly as much as I did the first time around."
Jeremy Jahns: Awesometacular: While he did not enjoy it as much as Abrams first Star Trek, it was nearly as good in his opinion.
Chris Stuckmann: A: Stuckmann liked Into Darkness even more than the previous Star Trek.
SchmoesKnow: 4.5/10- Both Mark and Christian thoroughly enjoyed Into Darkness and agreed that it was equal to Abrams previous Star Trek.
Rotten Tomatoes: 86%: "Visually spectacular and suitably action packed, Star Trek Into Darkness is a rock-solid installment in the venerable sci-fi franchise, even if it's not as fresh as its predecessor."
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One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.