
Friday, May 17, 2013

New Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Full Trailer

After the short teaser trailer earlier this week, we now have a full two and a half minute trailer for Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. This trailer contains spoilers for The Avengers, if you have not seen the film, go watch it now.
OK, this full trailer looks awesome! It is humorous, and since Joss Whedon is making the series, I know it will be great. When I first saw the trailer, I thought the mystery hero character, played by J. August Richards, could have been popular Marvel hero Luke Cage, however that is not the case. In an interview with Executive Producer Jeffrey Bell he stated that he is definitely not Luke Cage, but was not at liberty to say who he is exactly. The trailer appearances to suggest that these new powers are being derived from alien technology, which looks very similar to the Chitauri (Loki's army) tech. Other than that, the series does acknowledge Coulson's death and probably will reveal the secret as the series continues. It is not odd choice for the show to air on Tuesdays considering that the number one show in American, NCIS, airs that night. ABC should seriously reconsider. On an unrelated note, sorry for not replying to comments and e-mails recently, I have been extremely busy and will try to reply and answer questions as soon as possible.
Please check back tomorrow for either a Star Trek: Into Darkness Review Roundup or Trivia.
Below is IGN Rewind Theater where they give an in-depth review of the trailer.  
If you want to contact us or have any questions please send an e-mail to


  1. It looks like it will be a great show; I'm so happy Coulson is back, he's one of the best Marvel character ever but gets lost beneath all the superheros. :)


  2. Looks like an awesome show!! :D I can't wait to watch it; it will definitely be nice to see a TV show by Joss Whedon, he hasn't done one in a while(and I'm nearly done with the third of his big three). I also can't wait to see more of Coulson.

    OH MY GOSH! J. August Richards is in the show!!?? YAY!!! He played a main character on Joss Whedon's show Angel(which I'm nearly done with), so I definitely can't wait to see him again :D.

    Now I just need to find some way to get on the show for a few episodes or something like that.....

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. @Jamie: Agreed, Coulson is the best!

    @Shena Tokala: I am looking forward to start one of his big three, Firefly soon.

    I did not know that about Richards, that's really cool! :)

    Now that would be awesome if you were on the show!!! :D



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