
Sunday, March 3, 2013

Vikings and The Bible Tonight.

On History channel two new series, "Vikings" and "The Bible", will premier tonight! After History Channel's first forte into scripted TV with "Hatfields and McCoys", they have made two more TV series that will hopefully meet my high expectations. Here are the trailers and my thoughts on the two new series below.
"Vikings" is History Channel's first on going fictional series and it appears that it will be great. A good TV series or film based on the Viking culture should have been made much sooner, but I am glad it is finally here. While this particular trailer does not really show much, the other TV spots look good. 
 The Bible

 The Bible, the ten part min-series obviously chronicling the historical events of the Bible. While there have been movies and TV specials about certain parts of the Bible, there has yet to be a big budget attempt to make so of the Lord's Word on film. Despite how great the trailers look, my greatest fear is that the series might not be 100% accurate to history, which would be disastrous. 
Do you plan to watch either series? What are your thoughts on them? Please comment below.
Also don't forget to check back tomorrow for my review of the latest Clone Wars episode.

If you want to contact us or have any questions please send an e-mail to


  1. I hadn't heard of these series before and they sound very interesting- I'll have to see if I can watch them at some point :)

  2. I haven't decided whether I'm going to watch the Bible or not.. I have the same fear as you do. Never heard of the other one.

  3. Vikings looks interesting and I've read good early reviews about it.

    The Bible on the other hand has been getting really terrible returns from critics, it's very hammy from what I've read.

    Vikings is probably more up my alley.

  4. The Bible show would be very interesting to see, but I'm afraid they'll mess 'with the cannon' too much. Still, it would be very interesting to see what they do or don't show. I'd love to see the David and Goliath part, that is one of my favorite Biblical accounts.


  5. @Shena Tokala: Hopefully they will be as good as they look. :)

    @Alana: Maybe I should write a review of the show. Also thanks for dropping by my blog and commenting.

    @Daniel: Haven't read any reviews yet, but Vikings does look the better. Thanks for the comment.

    @Jamie: Glad you agree. That is one of my favorites as well.



One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.