
Monday, March 11, 2013

Skyfall Soundtrack and Post Schedule.

Last night I finally watched Skyfall! After waiting weeks for Blockbuster at Home to bloody send it, it finally arrived. As a life-long James Bond fan I had exceeding high expectations but I will reserve my full thoughts for the film in my review later this week. For today I want to highlight Skyfall's phenomenal soundtrack by Thomas Newman and give everyone a preview for what is to come this week on J and J Productions. Also Adele's fantastic song, "Skyfall", used in the Title Sequence of the film is included below. Now, this week's up-coming posting schedule.
Tuesday: Funny Pictures
Wednesday: Skyfall Review: Part 1
Thursday: Skyfall Review: Part 2
Friday: Name That Soundtrack
Saturday: Trivia
Sunday: Viral Video Sunday
Monday: Readers' Choice
Because my Skyfall review run over 1200 words, I have decided to split it up into two posts and add a small Spoilers segment at the end but everything else will be a spoiler free review of the film.

Note 1: This schedule is subject to change if there is some big movie related news.
Note 2: Anonymous have been enabled again, therefore some of my readers can now comment again. 
Note 3: Anonymous Comments are been enabled again, there must have been some error when I tried earlier.

Click on the links below for some Skyfall Reviews by my favorite Film Critics.
Skyfall by Jordan at Rath's Reviews
Film Review: 007 ~ Skyfall Alexandra Lanc at Words of the Worlds
Movie Review: Skyfall (2012) by Buddy2Blogger at Buddy2Blogger
Skyfall by Ian Drury at Banon's Roar!
Skyfall Review by Daniel at Random Mexican's Movie Review Extravaganza
If you have reviewed the film and would like a link to your link review to be displayed on tomorrow's post, please comment.

Unfortunately the iconic Bond theme used in Skyfall is not found among Skyfall's soundtrack even though it was used in the film.



Here is the entire Skyfall soundtrack in one long video.

What do you think of Skyfall's soundtrack? Please comment below.

If you want to contact us or have any questions please send an e-mail to


  1. Appreciate the share! Can't wait to read your review!

  2. No problem, glad to promote great content! Thanks for dropping by.



One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.