
Thursday, February 14, 2013

Top 25 Fictional Couples: Part 2.

Happy Valentine's Day everyone. Here is part 2 to the Top 25 Fictional couples list that the readers requested. Also thanks everyone for the overwhelmingly amount of positive comments on yesterday's part 1 of the this Top 25 Couples List.  Hope you enjoy.

At Number 12: The Doctor and Rose Tyler or River Song
Since he has had a relationship with Rosa early on in the series and later *Doctor Who Spoilers* married River Song recently in the series. *End of Spoilers* David Tennant's Doctor probably had the best chemistry with Rose than any other companion and she was his first romantic relationship with The Doctor.  

At Number 11: Scott (Cyclops) and Jean Grey
While the movie version of Scott Summers (aka Cyclops) and Jean Grey were given the shaft in the movies, they are a core part of the X-Men in the comics. Their relationship is a driving force in many classic X-Men comic runs like the Phoenix Sage that they deserve a spot on this list. 

At Number 10: Joker and Harley
Not exactly a nice relationship, consider that they are both deranged psychopaths. Harley is one of my favorite characters in the Batman universe and I wish Nolan had given us an adaptation of the character in his trilogy. Watch the episode "Mad Love" of Batman: The Animated Series to see more of this crazy couple. 

At Number 9: Master Chief and Cortana
OK, this is far from the traditional "romance" because Cortana is a sentient artificial intelligence and Master Chief is basically the future version of Captain America. If you have played the Halo series, particularly Halo 4, it should be obvious as to why they are on the list. 

At Number 8: Luke and Mara
Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade had instant chemistry on the pages of Timothy Zahn's Thrawn book trilogy. Although non-Star Wars will have never heard of the couple since Mara has yet to make an appearance in any form of media except for a few video games, there are many fans of Luke and Mara. If she is completely disregarded in the up-coming Star Wars trilogy I will be very disappointed.

At Number 7: Indiana and Marion
While it's the first appearance of Harrison Ford on this list, it certainly will not be the last. During their first scene together, the audience instantly see what their relationship and the history behind it. On screen they are so much fun to watch, but let us forgot about the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull because that never happened.

At Number 6: Shepard and Tali
This choice from the Mass Effect series needs some explaining for those who have not played the video game. In Mass Effect the player creates a character named Shepard and goes through the story making dialogue choices that affect the outcome of the game. If the play so chooses, he can exchange dialogue with the certain members of the squad and build a romantic relationship. For me, Tali was the most fascinating character and had a better back-story compared to Miranda or Kelly Chambers. She can not even remove her enviro-suit without risk of contracting a deadly disease, and she is so funny and awkward that is one of the many reasons why Tali is such a compelling character. Below is a sample of the dialogue from the game.

At Number 5: Steve and Peggy
They are one of the most believable couple I have seen in a movie. The ending scene of Captain America: The First Avenger was both sad and satisfying at the same time. 

At Number 4: Revan and Bastlia
Another couple from the Star Wars universe, Revan and Bastlia first appeared in the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic video game. Unfortunately, I cannot say more without spoiling the plot for the game.

At Number 3: Peter and Gwen or Mary Jane
Since both film versions of Spider-Man had fantastic couples with Toby McGuire and Kirsten Dunst and Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone, they are both included on this list. If I had to choose, I would pick Garfield and Emma Stone because they had such great chemistry together on screen.

At Number 2: Tony and Pepper
Two of the best cast couples of all-time, Robert Downy Jr. as Tony Stark and Gwenethen Pawthorl as Pepper Potts. Believe it or not, in the comics Pepper was not Tony's romantic interest, she ended up marring Iron Man's head of security "Happy" Hogan. Despite this, this is possibly the best change ever made from comic to film because it works so well. They play off each other as if they have known each other for years and their on screen chemistry is virtually unmatched. Not only one of the best fictional couples, they are one of the funniest as well. 

At Number 1: Han and Leia
How could I choose anyone else but Han and Leia for the top spot? My favorite hero and heroine from all of fiction together, could it get any better? Their banter is hilarious as demonstrated by the Gifs below and their chemistry is fantastic. Although the nearly 15 year age difference between the characters, Carrie Fisher has such a presence that the difference is not even noticable. They even had the best exchange of romantic dialogue in cinema history with.
Leia: "I love you."
Han: "I know."
Ford even came up with that line on the spot. Also do not forget about the "Scruffy looking nurf herder." scene, both clever and hilarious.

Click here to read Jamie's top couples list.

The pictures above are from Star Wars Here & There by Helen.

I know there were a few that could have made the list but just fell short like Robin Hood and Maid Marion or any couple from Alfred Hitchcock's films. Who are your favorite Fictional Couples? Please comment below. 

If you want to contact us or have any questions please send an e-mail to


  1. WOOOOOO! HAN AND LEIA FIRST!!! <3 So sweet! I love your list!

  2. Was Billie Piper always the partner of David Tennant as Dr. Who? I thought there was another girl, hmm. Maybe I'm mistaken, lol!

  3. Great list! I definitely loved the Doctor and Rose. I'm not quite as fond of him and River, honestly, though I do like the two. I also particularly love the include of Cap/Peggy and Tony/Pepper, who always make me laugh. Han and Leia are one of my favorite couples too though. Their banter is just hilarious, indeed.

    Some of my favorite couples?'ve pointed out quite a few of them.

    I also like Sora/Kairi from the Kingdom Hearts games, Meg/Calvin from the Wrinkle in Time series, and there's quite a few anime couples that I like too, but other than that, you've listed most of my others. :)

    I do have to say that I prefer Peter/Mary-Jane to Peter/Gwen. I'm not a big fan of Gwen.

    Happy Valentines Day!


  4. Awesome list!!! :D I've been working on mine and I'll be posting it today :)
    I like a lot of the ones on your list too! :D I love the ones from Star Wars, the Doctor/Rose one, the Indiana Jones one(she was my favorite of the girl characters), Peggy/Captain America, and Tony/Pepper. The one from Mass Effect looks good, as does the game(I looked up the basic premise and it sounds awesome) :D

  5. I LOVE this list! Even though I don't know some of the couples, the ones I do know are perfect! ...Han and Leia totally deserve to be at the top since they are definitely one of the best movie couples out there. :) Awesome post!

  6. Alright, I love your list! I'm going to link to it on my post, which I'm about to go publish. :) I also nearly added Robin Hood and Maid Marian to my post but ended up taking them off along with a couple others to keep the post from being way too long. :)


  7. great list. I changed my profile picture.

  8. @Solace Utara: Thank you! There are none better than Han and Leia. That rhythmed. LOL

    @HippieGirl21: She the partner of the Doctor nine (Eccleston) and Tennant for two seasons. After that, Tennant got two other companions later in the series. Hope that answers your question.

    @Alexandra Lanc: Thank you again! I agree, River and The Doctor aren't the best. I haven't exactly seen why River loves the Doctor other than it was her destiny but I included her on the list because she is his wife after all.

    I've always wanted to play Kingdom of Hearts, but never got around to it. :)

    In the comics I would definitely say MJ but I really liked Emma Stone in the role.

    Happy Valentines Day to you too!

    @Shena Tokala: Thank you! Glad you liked the list. :D Who doesn't love Han and Leia. :)

    @Jamie: Thanks Jamie for the link! I added a link to the post to your post on my post now. :) Originally I was thinking about making a Top 10 or 15, but ended up going for 25 because my list kept getting bigger. :)

    @Vincent: Thanks. Great new picture, Cap is awesome.


  9. Great list! I was happy to see some Bioware couples on there, although Liara was always my choice in the Mass Effect games.

    I like that Pepper/Tony were as high as #2. As a hardcore Iron Man fan, seeing them on any list usually make me happy. Pepper was always the "one that got away" for Tony. Even though they never really end up together, she's always the one he wants.

    He even tried to replace her with another redhead named Bethany Cabe once in the comics.

  10. OK Tony and Pepper, Yes! And, Han and Leia, perfect.

  11. @Banon: Thank you! Glad to see another BioWare fan. Liara was always my second choice, but I did like her a lot more after the Shadow Broker mission.

    Ah yes, I remeber Bethany, Tony liked his redheads.

    @Joan Ark: Thanks Joan, good to see you enjoyed the list.


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