
Sunday, February 10, 2013

Name That Soundtrack.

Here is another "Name That Soundtrack" trivia, here is the film soundtrack below, can you name it?

Congratulations Jamie and The Sith Photographer for being the first to name the soundtracks correctly. Last week's answers.
Soundtrack: Tron: Legacy
TV Tune: A-Team

Before I end this the Name That Soundtrack post, I would like to highlight a few new blogs that I
have discovered.

Vincent the awesome at Vincent the Vincent's blog is about various things including football, video games and occasionally Star Wars, you definitely need to check out his blog and he is "Follow 4 Follow".

Buddy2Blogger at Buddy2Blogger: Buddy2Blogger blog is mostly about Sherlock Holmes and has written reviews for the BBC Sherlock, Elementary, and other versions of the character. I consider him to be one of the foremost experts on everything Sherlock Holmes and any Sherlock fan should follow his blog.

If you want to contact us or have any questions please send an e-mail to


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Soundtrack - The Dark Knight Rises

    TV Tune - Batman: The Brave and the Bold

    Thanks James for the shout-out.


  3. @Buddy2Blogger: Didn't think anyone would get Brave and the Bold, but you seem to have watched many of the same comic book shows as I have.

    Glad to promote your blog. Providing you are OK with it, I plan to reference your blog in my Elementary and other Sherlock reviews.


  4. @Buddy2Blogger: Didn't think anyone would get Brave and the Bold, but you seem to have watched many of the same comic book shows as I have.

    Glad to promote your blog. Providing you are OK with it, I plan to reference your blog in my Elementary and other Sherlock reviews.


  5. The movie soundtrack is certainly Batman but I couldn't say which movie it was from.

    Didn't know where the TV theme came from but I really like it! Haha!



One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.