
Saturday, February 16, 2013

A Good Day to Die Hard Review Round-Up.

Heree is A Good Day to Die Hard Review Round-Up, where I take reviews from my favorite critics so you will know what to expect. While I wanted A Good Day to Die Hard to be a good movie, I
honestly did not expect it and from the reviews, it isn't pretty. Basically this is the worst Die Hard movie yet, or at least an average action film. Too bad though, since it had an awesome tag-line: "Yippee Ki-Yay Mother Russia." Also if you have written a review the movie, please comment and I will add a link to it below.

Jordan at Rath's Reviews: 5/10: A Good Day to Die Hard was in his words "Yippee Ki Yay Mother Average". Be sure to click here to read his full review.

Chris Stuckmann: D+: Stuckmann is a big Die Hard fan and likes every other Die Hard film, but said Die Hard 5 might be the most disappointing sequel he has ever seen (review below).

Schmoes Know: 2/5 and 2.25/5: Just like Stuckmann, the Schmoes were disappointed with Die Hard 5. However, they said that it did have the best villain of the series, the movie's director.

Jeremy Jahns: You Won't Remeber It in T-Minus 10 Minutes: Jahns said it had fun action but it didn't resemble a Die Hard movie.

If you want to contact us or have any questions please send an e-mail to


  1. That's sad that this is probably another let-down sequel. I've not seen any of the sequels myself and I wasn't planning on seeing this one but I was hoping it would okay. :(

    I also like the tag line, I laughed when I first heard it!


  2. All the actors have justified their roles completely. The script was not up to the mark but the action, stunts and the explosions were really 'dhaansoo'. The best were, the car chase sequence (longest I have ever seen) and the ramming of the helicopter into the building by Irina (Yuliya Snigir). There were some humorous portions as well which showed McClane's (Willis's) cool dude style. Overall, the movie was a nice entertainer and the action sequences keep you glued to your seats.


One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.