
Saturday, January 26, 2013

Clone Wars: Eminence Review.

This is a review for last week's Clone Wars episode "Eminence". Due to the near total lack of interest in the Clone Wars this season, I have not written reviews for all the episodes this season, however the Darth Maul/Pre Vizsla story arc has began, therefore I must write about it. 
Yes! They finally did it! An awesome episode of the Clone Wars has finally aired! Eminence might be the best episode of the season and it was there to mostly set the table for the episodes to come but man it was one heck of a set-up. Basically the episode was all kinds of fan service, only featuring the villains of the story. Maul and Opress, Death Watch, Black Suns, Spice Dealers and the Hutts, what more would a Star Wars fan ask for? Even though it was more of a set-up for things to come, it manged to pack the action scenes since episode one of the season. In short the Clone Wars team packed everything that makes the Star Wars villains awesome into one super team-up episode. In terms of the visuals, Eminence was striking! It just leaves me in awe in how well everything is rendered, two thumbs-up for the Clone Wars team. There were some shockingly violent and brutal kills throughout, mostly by Savage Opress, particularly the Black Suns leaders being decapitated by Opress' double-bladed Lightsaber. While at first I was not the biggest fan of Darth Maul's return, however after this episode Maul might be the best Star Wars villain since Darth Vader and Boba Fett. Lastly, nice touch with Savage knocking his big, horned head on that light as he stood up.

Overall: 9.6/10- Overall Eminence packed everything I love about the Clone Wars into one fan service episode that actually makes me excited for what is to come for this arc.

What did you think of the episode? Please comment below.

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  1. YESS. I agree with the lack of intrest for the first sessions. The first couple of arcs were really weak and poorly written.

    This episode was definitely one of the better ones this season. I know I'm going to like this arc. The first episode of this season was one of my favorites.

  2. Good review. Please review the angels take manhattan and the doctor who christmas special.

  3. In my oopinion, I'd give eminence 8.5/10.


One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.