
Thursday, September 27, 2012

New Sherlock Series: Elementary.

Tonight is the premiere of the new America Sherlock Holmes TV series, Elementary. While it will be very difficult to top the BBC Sherlock TV series or the Robert Downy Jr. movies, I hope Elementary will be good. Although, I have low expectations for the series, especially since Dr. Watson is being played by Lucy Liu, which is a large change from the original character. I have yet to actually finish a Sherlock Holmes story, but I very much enjoy many of the Holmes' many film and TV adaptations, and I always enjoy a good mystery. Do you plan to watch the series? It premieres tonight on CBS. Also be sure to check out my Top 25 Lord of the Rings character list that I posted today. Also be sure to check out my two earlier posts today, Top 25 Lord of the Rings Characters. and Avengers Have Arrived!
Elementary CBS.jpg
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  1. Dr. Watson a woman?!?!?!!? *faints*

    I will be interested in hearing what everyone has to say about this series. Very interested. :D


  2. Make Dr. Watson a woman?! I find that wrong. I doubt I'll be watching that show. :D

  3. @Jamie: I know, it just is a terrible idea! I will probably write my thoughts about the series at some point.

    @Helen: I agree, it is just wrong, although I'm still going to watch it. :)


  4. IDK anything about the story. But, I think in the original story, Dr. Watson was male, right? Well, I love Lucy Liu. She's awesome. But in the Sherlock Holmes movies, Dr. Watson was male, played by that British hottie Jude Law

  5. I find it a bit hypocritical that you find it "wrong" that Watson's character is played by a women, yet you have never read the stories! I love the stories and many adaptions, but think that putting a woman, especially Lucy Liu, in Watson's character is interesting. I don't know if I'll watching it, because I don't watch a lot of telle, but I think it could work, personally.

  6. @HippieGirl21: Yes he was a guy in the original story, although I think Lucy Liu will do a great job in the role.

    @billyBobjoe: Actually I have read one of the stories a while back. Also I have most adaptions including the old Basil Rathbone movies. I'm sure she will be fine in the role, I just hope that it does not turn into a romance. Also I'm a big fan of Martin Freeman's protrayal of the character. Thanks for the thoughtful comment.


  7. @James: I thought that you said that you hadn't finished a story. oops! I'd love to watch the Basil Rathbone ones, being a fan of his, and love his cameo in The Great Mouse Detective! I read somewhere that there was no thought to it being a romance any time soon, if at all.

  8. @billyBobjoe: No problem, I original meant that when I tried to read one more recently, I never got around to finishing it but before I have read one. I have not the Great Mouse Detective, at least not since I was a kid but I did not know that Rathbone made a cameo though. Also I finally got around to watching the episode and Lucy Liu was good in the role, just the script was standard crime drama. Little about it was original or special, it almost could have changed the character's names and no would know it was a Sherlock Holmes series. But it was still entertaining. Thanks again for the comment.



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