
Sunday, September 23, 2012

Lord of the Rings: Epic Film Score Sunday.

Today on Epic Film Score and More Sunday are some various tracks from the Lord of the Rings to along with Lord of the Rings week. Howard Shore's best score, The Lord of the Rings soundtrack adds to the scope and scale of the film with his many sweaping tracks. Be sure to check back here tomorrow for my review of the Fellowship of the Ring book.
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  1. I love the LOTR soundtracks. I have only seen the first one so far, but I have listened to all the music and I love it all. I sany In Dreams and May It Be for auditions a few weeks ago.
    BTW, happy late Hobbit Day!

  2. I LOVE the LOTR soundtrack!! It has such amazing music. It's my second favorite movie score after John William's Star Wars. :D

  3. The Lord of the Rings soundtracks are definitely just as good as the Star Wars soundtracks! I love them!

    I can't wait to listen to the Hobbit soundtrack too! :D

  4. @Padme Arya: Cool, I hope you will get the chance to the other movies soon.

    @Shena Tokala: Definitely one of the best! :D

    @Helen: I know, Howard Shore's Hobbit score be amazing. I really liked the short track in the first trailer.



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