
Thursday, September 13, 2012

Ant-Man Could Be in Filming Soon.

Edgar Wright's Ant-Man was been in the works for a while and there is a chance that the movie could begin filming soon. Ant-Man, aka Hank Pym, is one of the original founding members of The Avengers and the most noticeable character not to make the movie's team. However, after a hitch in the filming of Captain America: The Winter Soldier, the Ant-Man movie could being filming as soon as later this year, which would mean a 2014 release date. Therefore, three big Avengers related films would be released in 2014 and they are: Captain: The Winter Soldier, Ant-Man and Guardians of the Galaxy in the same year! If Ant-Man's powers could be pulled off realistically, it could make for a great movie and would most likely include his wife, The Wasp, aka Janet Van Dyne. Although there could be too many new characters in The Avengers sequel, if anyone can do it, Joss Whedon can. What do you think of this latest development? Please comment below. Also there is some more Thor 2: The Dark World coming soon. Adistionally, it is unclean why Captain America 2 has been delayed, but I almost that it will be released on the 4th of July, which would actually make sense, not April.
"In Whedon We Trust!"
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  1. Since I'm not into the actual comics, I personally could care less right now about any new superheroes. I want a Hawkeye/Black Widow movie and I'd pay to see another Hulk film with Mark Rufallo. I would want to see Ant-Man or Guardians of the Galaxy depending on how interesting the trailers are when they come out and if they will be in the next Avengers film (then I'll have to see them.)


  2. I have the same opinion as Jamie, but I will definitely see it when it comes out! I'm sure I'll get really excited for it though when the movie is closer to being released. :D:D

  3. @Jamie: Yeah, a Black Widow/Hawkeye or Hulk movie would be awesome. :) They will be connected to The Avengers movie so you would really need to see them. Also I guess you probably had a similar opinion about Thor or Iron Man before watching the those movies too though.

    @Helen: I hope it turns out as good as I expect. We probably won't get a trailer until next year though.


  4. As a watcher of the animated Avengers series with Ant-man and Wasp I wouldn't mind this at all!

  5. @OneofakindKnight: I watch the series as well, I hope they actually make the movie.



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