
Saturday, August 25, 2012

Star Wars Detours Trailer and Clips.

Star Wars Detours is a comedy TV series by the creators of the popular Robot Chicken. I have been dreading this for a while because a Star Wars comedy series is really unnecessary when The Clone Wars darker tone is delivering excellent stories. However, this trailer actually looks kind of funny. I like how it is joking about everyone hating Jar Jar and Han Solo with an Indiana Jones hat. Although I still think this is a bad idea, it could actually be humorous. Also did anyone else that Leia's boyfriend was wearing Marty McFly clothes from Back to the Future.
What do you think of this series? Please sound off in the comments.

Note: Due to this breaking news, Trivia Saturday will be moved to tomorrow.

If you want to contact us or have any question please send an e-mail to


  1. They're making this for me, aren't they? I... LOVE THIS! OMG I'm going to so watch this, anything for more Emperor Palpatine he's my favorite from Robot Chicken, they even have the same voice actor. I was giggling through the whole trailer. The animation looks.... weird but it will actually work. Leia's buns were hilarious....


  2. could u do me a favor? could u upload the new extended season 5 trailer? i can't seem to get it to play where i'm at. if you could that it be so awesome. thxs. ~aalya rain~

  3. It looks awesome, but I do agree with you! :)

  4. @Jamie: Glad you like it! I really do need to watch that Star Wars Robot Chicken. Do you know were to watch the full show?

    @Aalya Rain: I have posted the new trailer today. :) I hope it is the one you wanted me to post.

    @Solace Utara: Thanks. :D


  5. @ James, I think they have the full show on the Star Wars website but I'm not positive. I've just done a bunch jumping on You Tube.


  6. @Jamie: Thanks, I found them on that website. :) The first two were hilarious! :D


  7. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH!!! Oh my gosh that was hilarious! XD I loved the commercial and clips! :D



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