
Thursday, August 30, 2012

SHIELD TV Series and Avengers Deleted Scene!.

Breaking new! The long awaited Joss Whedon TV series was finally confirmed as S.H.I.E.L.D. ABC has ordered a pilot from Joss Whedon, who will write and direct the series with his brother. This is very surprising  considering the probable high budget that a S.H.I.E.L.D. series would cost. Also it is said that it will be autonomous from the movies. *Avengers Spoiler!* After Agent Coulson's probable death it would seem unlikely that he would be in the series, however he is voicing his character in the Ultimate Spider-Man TV series, therefore doing a TV series is not out of the question. 

*Avengers Spoiler in Video*

Wow! The Captain America Deleted Scene was finally released! This is an amazing scene, I hope some thing like it is used in the Captain America sequel. Also it includes a Stan Lee cameo and that blond lady who appeared later in the film. I will have add more commentary on this scene later. I really wish this was in the movie, although there would be a lot of Captain America.
Tomorrow I will post the Lawrence of Arabia review but if you have not read The Hunger Games Review. Please click on the link.

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  1. I hope this doesn't turn out to be big sinker, since it has the Joss man on board, and we all know how well he does working in TV format, better than on film.

    Here's hoping!

  2. @Cherokee: Well, considering he made the basically perfect Avengers, he can make just about anything.


  3. Wow man. Great stuff you found. Glad they deleted that Cpt. America scene. It wouldn't work in the movie.

  4. @Stas Shmy: Thanks, I agree it would not have worked in the film but I wish there was a extended verison of The Avengers with that scene.


  5. Sounds so awesome!! :D I can't wait to see the t.v. show! I know it will be good!!! :D

  6. Seeing the blonde lady made things at the end of the movie make way more sense! It was like "MINDBLOWN! OKAY! I GET IT NOW!" She still better keep away from him, lol! I only ship him with Peggy, end of sentence, exclamation point.



  7. @Shena Tokala: I don't think Whedon can make anything sub par now. :)

    @Jamie: Yes it does, I knew that she had some part that was cut out, but I wish there was an extended edition with all of the scenes added in. Can't wait to get the actual DVD so I can see the scene with Cap meeting Peggy after all these years. :)


  8. *SCREAMS FOR DELETED SCENES* Yay! I'm so glad they've started realeasing extra things from the Avengers!!! :DDD Only.. I wish they hadn't been deleted.

  9. Kayla: Can't wait for the DVD to be released to see all of the extras. :D I know, it really should not have been deleted.



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