
Monday, August 6, 2012

New(ish) Hobbit Trailer!

OK, this trailer previewed in front of Brave last month but I did not noticed that it was any different than the original trailer until recently. There is not much difference but here the few changes below and I taken some pcitures of the new clip as well. Also The Hobbit will be split into three but is old news now. If any one can do it, I think can Peter Jackson so I am hoping for the best.
0:23 — Bilbo’s reaction to Gandalf’s arrival
1:57 — Bilbo hiding behind a tree in Mirkwood
1:59 — Gandalf, the dwarves, and Bilbo running through a forest

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  1. Now December seems too far away... I can't wait to watch this film!!! ^^

  2. This looks so good!!!! I've been waiting forever for this!! :D I can't wait for December!
    When are you going to watch it James?


  3. I can't wait to see this movie, it looks so good!! :D :D I remember seeing this preview when I went and watched Brave at the theaters and getting all excited about seeing it.

  4. I really can't wait! December seems like such a long time :) I loved the trailer and I remembered freaking out when I watched it.

  5. @Tahl Jinn: I know, I just can't wait!

    @Misty Kasumi: As soon as I can. :) I won't being going to the midnight premiere but I will try to see it as soon as possible because it should be the best movie of the year! :D

    @Shena Tokala: I have never been this excited about a movie before, can't wait to see it!

    @Solace Utara: December can't come soon enough!


  6. That's great! I'll probably do the same thing. I can't stay up past midnight watching a movie. XD But it certainly looks good!



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