
Friday, July 6, 2012

Interview at Star Wars Here & There.

Yesterday I was interviewed by  Helen at Star Wars Here & There.  Please Click Here to check out the interview. Also thank you Helen for agreeing to interview me and I highly recommend that you check out her blog if you like Star Wars.
Also tomorrow I will post the one of the many awards that I have received.


If you want to contact us or have any question please send an e-mail to


  1. If u really think I'll hating you for that, I don't. I did that post because alot of people say one is better than the other. I don't hate you. You're pretty awesome. I love your blogs, it's all about movies and things. And anywho, I don't hate you. I did that cuz people consider those guys rivals of each other.

  2. I really liked your interview! I had one too, but I think you already saw it. :)


  3. Really cool interview, I liked your answers :D.
    I did one as well on her blog, but she'll be posting it later :)

  4. I really liked your answers! One that shocked me most was when you first watched Star Wars. It's the year I was born :P Congrats on being an almost thirteen year Star Wars fan!

  5. @Jaggerfan1: Good, I didn't think that you would actually hate me for that. :) And thanks for the complament. :D You're awesome too.

    @Jamie: Thanks, yes I did and I really liked your answers too. :)

    @Shena Tokala: Thank you. :) I will be looking for your interview soon.

    @Solace Utara: Thanks! :D Yep I have been a fan for a long time. :)



One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.