
Sunday, July 8, 2012

Another Blog Award.

1. Thank the person who nominated you and give the link.
Thank you Jamie at Through Two Blue Eyes you are awesome!
2. Tell us how the idea of making a blog popped into your head and why you continue it.
The original idea of this blog to give updates on my stop motion animation films. But after the positive reception of my first reviews, I have become obsessed with reviewing movies and the thing that keeps me blogging every day of the week are the comments. They is one of the most rewarding thing about blogging, and reading other people's blogs that share a similar interest with me. Because I do not know any other Star Wars fans in real life.
3. Describe a usual day of your life.
During the Summer, I wake up very early and eat, write blog posts, read other blogs, post blog post, do housework, and any other work at needs to done. At night I watch, movies, TV, or the baseball games.
4. The best collaboration with a blogger(s).
The 40 Day Avengers Challenge with Jamie at Through Two Blue Eyes, which is still in the works. Also any of the guest posts by my awesome contributors.
5. Worst collaboration with a blogger(s).
I have not had a bad collaboration.
6. Explain what having this blog means to you.
I really cannot describe what it means. I have even tried to ask my self that same question and I cannot answer it. It is a unknow drive to write posts and reviews, even though I usually can't stand writing outside of blogging. Also I love the satisfaction of possibly influencing someone's decision to watch a movie.
7. Nominate 5 followers for this award.
Rebecca at Just me...
 Eldra at A Day On Daremo

If you want to contact us or have any question please send an e-mail to


  1. You're welcome for the award, you deserve it! Lol, I love how both our best collaborations was the Avengers challenge!!!! :D I loved your answers! :)


  2. Great answers! :) You wake early too? I hate waking early but I just have to..

  3. Great answers! :) You wake early too? I hate waking early but I just have to..

  4. Great answers! :) You wake early too? I hate waking early but I just have to..

  5. Great answers! :) You wake early too? I hate waking early but I just have to..

  6. Great answers! :) You wake early too? I hate waking early but I just have to..


One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.