
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The Amazing Spider-Man: Review Round-Up.

The Amazing Spider-Man is now in theaters! I hopefully will go see it
The reviews for The Amazing Spider-Man have been mostly positive with some remixed opinion because the movie was little to similar to the original Spider-Man movie. But as Jeremy Jahns bascially said you cannot change an established character's classic origin without butchering the source material. Some of the reviews have said that Andrew Garfield is a lot more like he does in the comics, which is shown in the trailer.

Jeremy Jahns: Buy it on Blu-Ray: The "Buy it on Blu-Ray" rating is about equel a 4 Star rating.

Rotten Tomatoes: 78%: Rotten Tomatoes takes the reviews of hundreds of different critics and on basis of if the movie is "Fresh" (above average) or not Rotten (below average). This is a good rating compared to some of the other recent comic book movies like Captain America: The First Avenger and Thor, although The Amazing Spider-Man has received 87% from Rotten Tomatoes' top critics.

Roger Ebert: 3.5/4: Roger Ebert, possibly the most well known movie critic of all-time very much liked the movie and cited it was almost as good as Spider-Man 2 and better than Spider-Man 1.

IGN: 6.0/10:'s reviewer seemed to majorly bias because they were angry that the franchise was re-booted just 10 years after the original and were blinded by it.
Schmoes Know: 4.5/5 and 3.5/5: Both of the Schmoes enjoyed the film, the only minor complaint was that the first 30-45 minutes were a little slow but other than that they thought it was good.

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  1. It sounds like a good movie :). I'll have to watch it at some point, though I'll probably wait until it comes out on DVD.

  2. Hey, I just wanted to let you know I gave you an award on my site. It's under the blog award page!

  3. Great review, James! I'm going to try and see this movie as soon as I can! :D makes me feel old that they are already remaking a movie that came out when I was about eight! LOL!

  4. I'm glad it's at least getting some acceptances. I hope I can see it soon!



One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.