
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Monsters University Trailer.

Here is the trailer for the upcoming movie, Monsters University. Which appears to be a prequel to Pixar's Monster Inc. As I have said before, I am not a Pixar fan, however this trailer is actually kind of funny (definitely funnier than the entire movie "UP") and I posted it here because I know there are some Monster's Inc. fan that would want to see it. I am not even sure if I am going to watch the movie or not.
What did you think of the teaser?

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  1. Aww, I love Monsters Inc. So far, you got one fan who likes these movies. I never seen anything about this movie, but when it comes to theatres, I'm going to see it. I love Monsters Inc. Always good for a laugh!

  2. OH MY GOSH! I'm freaking out over this trailer! I think it's going to be as hilarious as the first!!! ALKDSLKDJSLF I absolutely love Mike and Sully, too, they look like they'll be great!!!

    PS Give Monsters Inc a try, even if it is a kids movie. It's pretty funny. :D


  3. I really liked Monsters Inc when I was little and I still like it(though I haven't seen it in a while). Thanks for posting, I hadn't seen a preview for the film yet.

  4. Oh...this looks great! I liked watching the movie when it came out and this seems just hilarious!


  5. Just curious... Every time it's relevant you mention how UP was not funny. Is that the only one you've seen in ten years? Sit through The Incredibles and Monsters Inc. and THEN say pixar isn't any fun. by the way, Monsters University does not look good, if that's one of the funny gags.

  6. @Jaggerfan1: Glad you like it. :) Thanks for commenting.

    @Jamie: I actually own Monsters Inc. I believe. It was one of my first DVDs with Attack of the Clones and Spider-Man when I got a DVD player foe Christmas. :)

    @Shena Tokala: Thanks for commenting. :)

    @Misty Kasumi: I agree, this does look funny. :D

    @JT/King Valun: I think I have only referenced UP twice including this time. The main reason I did not like was that it was majorly sappy and tried to be "cute", which I found off puting.
    Also I have seen every Pixar when it was released on DVD except for the recent "Cars 2", and I did not think that Cars 1, Ratatouille, and Up were really that funny (WALL-E was above average though). So I am basically judging them from their previous 5 movies I have seen. Although I do plan on watching Monsters Inc. and especially the Incredibles again since it is a homage to Sliver Era comic books.

