
Monday, June 4, 2012

How The Avengers Should Have Ended.

Finally How it Should Have Ended have released "How The Avengers Should Have Ended". "How It Should Have Ended" is a YouTube company that makes parody videos of how they think a movie should have ended and make it funny. Although this video of "How The Avengers Should Have Ended" is not my favorite of the HISHE (How it Should Have Ended) vidoes but it was still funny. As with Marvel's films, are often something after the credits of these videos.


I really did not like this one so much but I have decided to post it anyway.

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  1. I'll admit, I usually like their spoofs, but I found this one lackluster. I'm surprised that they didn't show any more of Loki (though I did think that him laughing after they thought was funny.).

    Thanks for posting!


  2. I've not seen many of these but I actually laughed pretty hard for the first one... also for the Iron Man one as well. XD

    And I love that Batman character. "I'm Batman." LOL


  3. i love these things. they make my day. is it just me or does batman sound like clint eastwood? lol. :)

  4. I love HISHU's videos! Thanks for sharing, I hadn't seen these yet :) (I really liked The Avenger on and the Iron Man one).
    My favorites are probably
    Return of the Jedi
    The Empire Strikes Back
    Harry Potter
    Lord of the Rings
    The Avengers
    Iron Man
    Twilight(I don't like the actual story, I just though how they did it was really funny). :)

  5. @Alexandra Lanc: I agree, it was not one of my favorites from HISHE. Thanks for the comment. :)

    @Jamie: Glad you liked them. :D My other favorite one was the Thor video. Also I highly recommend watching Batman Begins and The Dark Knight, they were very good movie.

    @Aalya Rain: LOL, he does sound like Clint Eastwood. :)

    @Shena Tokala: I do aswell. :) Many of those are my favorites from HISHE also. But my overall favorite is Harry Potter DH Part 2. I found that one hilarious. :D


  6. Wow those were funny! Especially the Avengers and Iron Man. :D :D :D

  7. @Shena Tokala: I'll have to check out those as well. so going to do that 8ter. :)


One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.