
Friday, June 22, 2012

Chris Stuckmann the Movie Reviewer

Today is about my favorite Movie Reviewer, Chris Stuckmann. He is one of the few movie reviewers that does not have to cuss to review movies, unlike other reviewers. Stuckmann actually inspired me to start reviewing movies. If it was not for his videos I probably would not have started reviewing movies and now I have reviewed over 100 movies (Click Here to a list of all the movies I have reviewed). Also he said he was homeschooled for a time, which is cool because I was homeschooled. Stuckmann also enjoy many of the movies I enjoy like: Original Star Wars Trilogy, Indiana Trilogy, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, The Avengers, The Matrix, Inception, Spider-Man and many more. One of the things that I like about his reviews, is that he can make an in-depth review without spoiling the movie, which is not easy to do. He currently uses a F to A rating system but he formerly used a 4 Star rating system.

Here is his review for The Avengers, which I mostly agree with.

Here is his review of the Indiana Jones Trilogy with other movie critics "The Schmoes" and "Jeremy Jahns."

Here is his review for another one of my favorite movies, The Matrix.

Here is a video of why Chris Stuckmann loves movies. A lot of this I can relate to.

Here is a video montage of some of his favorite movies. Because of this I have been working on a Movie Montage for last 7 months.

Warning: Although most of his reviews are clean, there is a Star Wars parody at the end of his Empire Strikes Back review that I thought was too inappropriate to post on my blog.

Note: Sorry there was a glitch that for some reason posted this twice.

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One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.