
Sunday, May 6, 2012

Sherlock Season 2 Tonight and What's Coming Next.

The highly anticipated season 2 of Sherlock is finally here in America! It premiers tonight on PBS at 9pm Eastern time. Be sure to check your local listing. After one of the most shocking cliff hanger endings to a TV series Sherlock is back with three new episodes. The series is not a long series but really more of three mini movies since each one is 90 minutes long. This Sherlock series is the best iteration of the classic detective since the 1984 TV series. I highly recommend the series to Sherlock Holmes fans and mystery fan alike. Do you want me to review the next episodes in the series? Please comment and let me know.
That plans for this week are to post The Amazing Spider-Man trailer review tomorrow followed by a few different reviews (maybe Sherlock review) starting Tuesday and then The Avengers review followed by some "Beyond The Avengers" information about the next movies Avengers movies that are coming.

Be sure to click here to check the guest post Narnia review from earlier today.

If you want to contact us or have any question please send an e-mail to


  1. Loveeee Sherlock! Though, I've already seen season 2, despite living in America.
    Sigh. Now to wait for 2013.

  2. YES! Please review them, I'd love to hear more about this series (I'd like to watch it sometime, but I'd have to get my parents to want to see it first :P)


  3. (replying to your comment on my blog)
    I watched it on! They have both seasons! :)


One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.