
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

New James Bond Skyfall Trailer!

Here is the trailer to the highly anticipated movie Skyfall, which is the 23th Bond movie. I have been a fan of the James Bond franchise for a long time and I have seen all 22 of the official Bond movies. Even if you have seen a Bond film you probably have heard of him before. The movies in the James Bond franchise have had great action and and were the best spy/espionage movies, which is one of my favorite genres. After the some what of a let down in Quantum of Solace after the brilliant Casino Royale, I hope that Skyfall can live up to the James Bond legacy. Although the trailer its self is not majorly impressive, I hope that the movie will be good. This is one of my most anticipated movies of this year, right up there is The Dark Knight Rises and The Bourne Legacy. Since the trailer was just released, starting tomorrow I will post a guide to the James Bond movies, a list of the Top 22 best and worst Bond films, and post a review of my favorite Bond movies.
What did you think of the trailer? Have you ever seen a James Bond movie?

If you want to contact us or have any question please send an e-mail to


  1. I've not seen any of the James Bond films but I have heard a little about him from my Dad. I didn't know they were making another movie of his, wow!! :D

    I will be glad for the guide once you've written it! :D


  2. I saw most of "Golden Eye" and then another one (not remembering which one at the moment), and they were pretty good overall. :)

    The "Skyfall" trailer is pretty interesting. The clashing background music during the montage got a tad bit annoying after a while, but it definitely piqued my curiosity. I just might go see this when it comes out. :D

  3. Oh, and sorry I haven't gotten back to you on our email yet. Life took over for a few days and I haven't been able to email anybody, so I'm not intentionally ignoring you! :D


  4. @Jamie: I hope you like the guide. :) That's okay, I figured you must have been really busy. ;)

    @Edessa: GoldenEye is not really the best of the movies but the other ones was much better. :)
    Be sure to watch the previous two Bond movies first so you can catch up on the story. :D



One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.