
Sunday, May 20, 2012

New Blogger Header!

Since The Avengers week is over I have changed my old header design and mixed in some new posters and changed the other posters around. Below is a picture of my old header to compare it to the new one. Please comment and tell me what you think of the new header. Also there will be more Avengers posts after more people watch the movie.
Be sure to check back tomorrow for more movie reviews.

If you want to contact us or have any question please send an e-mail to


  1. Really cool! :D I like both the new and old design(awesome that you added the last Harry Potter film to the new one :) )

  2. I think this new one is the best you've done, except that now, like Bond on the last one, Indiana Jones simply does not fit where you put it. It's like "Boom! This movie must be in your face all the time! Do you see it yet!" Besides that, it works great. But the real reason IJ doesn't work is because you removed all the other light-shaded posters.

  3. I like your new one a lot!!! :D Although I agree with what JT/King Valun said, you can fix that problem by simply cropping the white out from around the picture. Just a suggestion. :) But, yeah, I really like it!!! Your headers must be fun to make. :D


  4. @Shena Tokala: Thanks! :D I watched the HP 8 last night and it was awesome! :)

    @JT/King Valun: Thanks for the input. I have changed the Indy poster with a different one. What do you think of the new one?

    @Jamie: Thanks! :D I have changed the Indy poster, what do you think of it now?
    Yes they are fun to make. :)


  5. PERFECT! :D It looks amazing! You shouldn't need a new header for a little while! :D


  6. It works much better. Still pretty prominent, but it's not jabbing me in the eye...;)

  7. I love your new one! I like how you draw focus to the main center ones since it's bigger, and I'm glad it's both Star Wars and lotr :)


One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.