
Friday, May 18, 2012

Epic Film Score and More Friday.

Now Epic Film Score and More Friday is finally back after having to be skip during Avengers week. The soundtrack of today is John Williams' Harry Potter soundtrack. Even if you have something against the Harry Potter movies, you still can like John Willimas' score.

The main theme for the Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. This theme is used throughout the movies and is a staple for the franchise.

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is the third installment in the Harry Potter series and the last one that John Williams' composed the soundtrack for. Some of this track reminds me of one of the themes use in one of the Star Wars movie with a Harry Potter theme twist.

This theme was used during the closing credits of the movie. It contains multiple variants of previous tracks and a good compilation of the tracks.

This is one of my favorite tracks from the movie. If a theme is well composed and used in a film you should be able guess what the scene is about with just the track and this theme does give you sense of flying just like the scene in the movie.

OK, John Williams did not compose this track but I really like this one and I listened to it on a loop while writing the review for the Order of the Phoenix. I even liked this track before watching the movie.

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1 comment:

  1. I love the Harry Potter soundtrack! I agree, it has some really good songs.
    Listening to the music makes me want to watch the movies again :)


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