
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Top 22 Season 4 Clone Wars Episodes Part 2: 11-1.

At Number 11: Friends and Enemies
My Rating: 9.4/10
Savanna's Raing: 10/10
  IGN's Rating: 8.5/10
Friends and Enemies had a lot to like. Cad Bane was awesome and his line at the end was fantastic. The action was very good and the Nal Hutta setting with the Cantina and the Indiana Jones hat was a good nod to the classic hero.

At Number 10: A Friend in Need
My Rating: 9.5/10
Savanna's Rating: 8/10
IGN's Rating: 9/10
A ton of Ahsoka fans were outraged by "A Friend in Need" becasue of Lux Bonteri and Ahsoka's relationship. I do not like romance but I found that it worked really well. Also seeing Death Watch again was really awesome. I am a big Mandalorian and Death Watch fan so having them in the episode made it so much better. And the quadruple decapitation by Ahsoka didn't hurt earthier.

At Number 9: Escape from Kadavo
My Rating: 9.6/10
 Savanna's Rating: 10/10
 IGN's Rating: 9.5/10
The last episode in the Slavery Story Arc, Escape from Kadavo really ended it with a bang. This is one of the few episodes that just about everyone liked and agreed that it was a very good episode. The episode even had a briefcameo by the Wolf Pack Clone Trooper Squad.

At Number 8: The Box
My Rating: 9.8/10
Savanna's Rating: 7/10
IGN's Rating: 8/10
There has been a split between the fans half of them liked "The Box" and the other half thought it was just OK. I really liked because of the great concept of having Bounty Hunters compete to decide who the best are.

At Number 7: Massacre
My Rating: 10/10
 Savanna's Rating: 8/10
 IGN's Rating: 9/10
I normally do not like Zombies but it worked really well for this episode. Also I really like the Nightsisters and the all out battle between the CIS and the Nightsisters was epic.

At Number 6: Bounty
My Rating: 10/10
 Savanna's Rating: 10/10
 IGN's Rating: 8/10
"Bounty" was the unexpected gem of season 4. The ainmation for the hand-to-hand combat was excellent and Boba Fett was back again. Also the episode built Ventress' character very well.

At Number 5: The General
My Rating: 10/10
 Savanna's Rating: 9/10
IGN's Rating: 8.5/10
It is hard to choose which of the "Darkness on Umbara" Story Arc was better than the others since all of them were excellent.

At Number 4: Plan of Dissent
My Rating: 10/10
Savanna's Rating: 9/10
IGN's Rating: 9/10
Fives and the others trying to pilot the enemy’s craft was done really and was even kind of funny. It was also dark and the Clones are always becoming more and more interesting as the series continues.

At Number 3: Darkness on Umbara
My Rating: 10/10
Savanna's Rating: 9/10
IGN's Rating: 9/10
 Darkness on Umbara was the first step towards one of the best Clone Wars Story Arcs yet. This is the first we got to see General Krell with his cold and calculating approach to warfare, were Clones are just numbers. The parallels with the Vietnam War combined with the overall darker and grittier tone made it near perfect and very hard to top. Also this story could have worked for just about any War movie, The Clone Wars team did an excellent job with this oen.

At Number 2: Revenge
My Rating: 10/10
Savanna's Rating: 9/10
IGN's Rating: 9.5/10
The Season 4 Finally, Revenge ended the season on a cliffhanger. With the return of Darth Maul and the lightsaber epic battle, how could this not be one of the best episodes in The Clone Wars history.

At Number 1: Carnage of Krell
My Rating: 10/10
Savanna's Rating: 10/10
IGN's Rating: 8/10
Wow! This episode really stepped it up a notch! When it was discovered that Krell was trader I was very surprised. And his execution, the only thing that could have made it any better is that Rex would have been the one to finish Krell off.

Overall Season 4 Score: 9.5/10
I was very impressed by this season, it is probably the best season of The Clone Wars so far with only a few weak and lack luster beginning.
What are your favorite episodes of season 4?

If you want to contact us or have any question please send an e-mail to


  1. I agree, Carnage of Krell was AMAZING! I loved it and the whole Umbarand arc. I also really loved Friends and Enemies, Escape from Kadavo, and The Box; they were all so good. :)

  2. Hey, btw on my Georgia Satellites post, Chuck Berry is actually who they are inspired by. :D

  3. So, I didn't see Umbarand arc, which apparently was the best of the season (:P) (I started watching at Friend in Need) but my favorite was actually The Box. I really liked seeing Obi-Wan/Hardini interact with Cad Bane in that episode and I really decided I liked Cad Bane in that episode as well. :D

    I actually have consistently watched the Clone Wars recently on Saturdays, and while I still am not wild at all about them (and I still think it could all be a big mistake) they are fun to watch. They still aren't my thing though. :)


  4. @Shena Tokala: I am glad you agree! :D

    @Jaggerfan1: I know, I read about on your post. :)

    @Kayla: Thanks. ;)

    @Jamie: I am glad you decided to watch The CLone Wars. :) What did you think of Darth Maul coming back?



One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.