
Thursday, March 1, 2012

New Avengers Trailer!

New Avengers Trailer!

I can not belive that there is another new Avengers trailer out! WOW! I am really glad that is some talking clips and not just action. I will write a full post about this and break down the trailer soon.

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  1. I AM GOING CRAZY BECAUSE ITS SO SUPER EPICLY AWESOME! Tony and Hulk look like they're gonna be being jerks...and Cap, Thor, Hawk, and Black Widow look EPIC! (Oh okay Tony and Hulk do look cool too :P) IT ALL LOOKS EPIC!

  2. so can not wait that long. (mentally jumping up and down). this ones going to be a goody. hopefully, i can have a friend go w/me. EPICNESS IS ADVENGERS!!!! :)


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