
Saturday, February 25, 2012

Star Wars The Clone Wars: Massacre Review

Warning: This post will contain spoilers for the Clone Wars episode, "Massacre".

Thoughts: This is the episode I have been waiting for since I heard that Darth Maul, Savage Opress, and the Nightsisters were backing! While some people were not so sure about bring back Darth Maul, I was on the fence but the fact that we get the Nightsiters and Savage Opress makes it well worth it. I didn't watch any previews or any kind spoilers so I wouldn't be influenced by them. I had ridiculously expectations for this episode and it definitely lived up to it! This episode was all kinds of awesome! Probably the best battle scenes in The Clone Wars I have seen. While some didn't like the idea of "witchcraft" in the episode, I didn't mind as much knowing a lot The Old Republic and the other force sensitive beings in the Star Wars Universe that use the force although they are not Jedi/Sith, so is not un-common for this kind of stuff in the Star Wars EU. Also there were Zombies! Usually we don't like zombies but this actually worked excellently with the episode. Although I haven't read the "Death Troopers" book I know this isn't the first there were zombies in Star Wars. They looked kind of creepy, it didn't bother me at all but I can imagine that a little kid would be freaked out by this. I am really glad there was a really dark and brutal tone to "Massacre". This episode is definitely the best since "Carnage of Krell"! I loved every minute of this! The Ventress vs. General Grievous duel was also awesome! The story was great; the only thing that might disappoint fans would be that Darth Maul wasn't in the episode. I didn't read any of the previews so I did not know for sure if he was going to in the episode or not. But I think not having him in this one was probably a good idea not to have him in the episode. When Dooku was being killed by the Night Mother was very different and interesting. The big battle between the Nightsisters and the Trade Federation was super awesome! The deaths were brutal, the zombies were really cool. Everything about this episode was what we wanted!

The Good: Awesome battle scenes, Perfect darker tone, Dathomir looked great, Best episode since "Carnage of Krell", Different from the other episodes,

The Bad:

Plot: 10/10- Excellent plot perfectly paced and sets up well for the next episode.

Action: 10/10- Probably the battle scene I have seen in The Clone Wars (I have seen every episode) and the lightsaber duel was also great.

Acting: 10/10- Dooku voice actor was a little better usual and the Night Mother sounded and creepy and eerie.

Art Style: 10/10- Dathomir looked fantastic, the mist hovering above the ground was looked good and the animation for the battle was very fluent.

Overall: 10/10- Overall one of the best Clone Wars episodes to date, I am definitely going to remember this episode.

Closing Comments: I really hope the rest of the episodes in the story arc will live up to my expectations. I know that some will not like the episode because of the darker and the creepiness of it but we loved it!

Click on the link below for some second opinions of this episode. If you have reviewed it leave a comment and let us know so I add the link to it below. I would appreciate if you would do the same.

Massacre Review  by Savanna
"Massacre" review by  Shelna Toka

If you want to contact us or have any please sent an e-mail to

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