
Friday, February 10, 2012

30 Day Movie Challenge Part 5: 21-25.

Day 21 - The most overrated movie
We read the "To Kill a Mocking Bird" book and we didn't like it but we didn't hate it. Then we watched the movie and it was horrible! In general we don't like dramas but To Kill a Mocking Bird was just a really bad movie. And with the exception of Gregory Peck the acting was terrible. Apocalypse Now is the most overrated action movie ever! The movie was weird and the plot was crazy. I don't know how anyone could like the movie.

Day 22 - The most underrated movie

Everyone seem to have forgotten about great movies like Kelly's Heroes and The Untouchables, that is why they are underrated.

Day 23 - Your favorite character from any movie
You can't beat Han Solo he is pure awesomeness.

Day 24 - Favorite documentary
We can't think of any documentaries we have seen off hand.

Day 25 - A movie that no one would expect you to like
Since most people would expect use to like an action, comedy, or sci-fi movie. But wouldn't think anyone would expect us to like Forrest Gump since it is a drama. While we didn't love the movie but we did like it. It would definitely make our Top 75 all time favorite movies.


  1. Wow! Hehee! Never heard of those top 4 movies.
    Yes! Han is the Man!

  2. I'm working on my challenge posts; I might start next week. :D


  3. @Kayla: Kelly's Heroes and The Untouchables are really good movies.

    @Jamie: Cool, can't wait.



One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.