
Sunday, January 22, 2012

Star Wars The Clone Wars: Deception Review.

Warning spoilers for the episode.

Did anyone else notice Obi-Wan's code name was "Ben".

Thoughts: We had high hopes for the episode and overall it didn't disappoint. The episodes started when Obi-Wan was shot by an assassin. Anakin and others believed him to be dead. Since anyone how watch the Star Wars knows that Obi-Wan can't there was not really any suspense. It will be interesting to see Anakin's reaction when he finds out about that Obi is not dead. The only ones that knew that Obi was not dead was Yoda and Mace Windo. After that Obi-Wan had his beard and hair shaved and he looked just like young Obi-Wan from The Phantom Menace, which was very cool. He was injected with something that changed his appearance to look like Rako Hardeen, who was the bounty hunter that "assassinated" him. The transformation was excellently animated. Watch the episode to see what happens next.

The Good: Perfectly sets up for the next episode, Cad Bane is back,

The Bad:

Plot: 9.4/10- The plot was perfectly paced and set up well for the next episode.

Action: 7.5/10- The episode did not try to the be the most action packed but that is alright because of the story in the episode.

Acting: 9.4/10- The usual cast was solid and Cad Bane was great.

Art Style: 9.7/10- It has looked fantastic this season and "Deception" was no different.

Overall: 8.5/10- Overall "Deception" was a great start to the story arc and we can't wait for more.

If you want a second option Click Here to read


  1. Glad you liked this episode as much as I did!! And thanks for linking to my blog. :D

  2. @Savanna: I nocticed that we agree on most of the episodes. :)and no problem.

    @Solace Utara: Thanks. And thanks for following my blog. :)



One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.