
Thursday, January 5, 2012

JandJ Productions 2011 Academy Award Part 3.

Best Action Movie(other than Captain Ameirca): X-Men: First Class
Since we a judging by how good the action was X-Men: First Class clearly the best action movie of the year. Altough Thor was the second best movie of the year X-Men: First Class was a better action and may be a better movie but Thor was just a little bit better.

Best Sci-Fi Movie: Super 8
We have not seen Rise of the Planet of the Apes yet and we are sure it will be the best sci-fi movie of the year but Super 8 was above average movie. Runner Up:

Best Comic Book Adaption: Captain America: The First Avenger
Runner up: Thor, X-Men: First Class

Best Comedy: The Green Hornet
We haven't seen many comedies this year but The Green Hornet was the funniest.

Best Movie Trailer: The Hobbit
We are only including trailers from movies that are coming next year. The Hobbit trailer is amazing. There isn't munch else to say.
Runner Up: The Avengers

Don't forget to check back soon for Part 4.


  1. I'm dying to see Super 8; we got it for Christmas!!!


  2. I so want to see The Hobbit!

    As for your question, I use Paint Shop Pro X4 Ultimate. Not the best program in the world, but cheaper than Photoshop.
    Thanks for the follow, btw!

    I also happen to run a movie review blog!

  3. @Jamie: I hopefully will be reivewing it soon.

    @OneofakindKnight: Thanks for replying and your movie reviews are very good.


One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.