
Thursday, November 3, 2011

Style Award.

Thanks  JT/King Valun at The Window on the South for giving us this award.
Now we are supposed to post seven random facts about ourselves.

1) We are obsessive baseball fans, we watch almost every game.

2) Our favorite TV show is Doctor Who

3) Our favorite actor is Harrison Ford

4) I(James) know a ton of baseball statistics and probably can name over 100 different baseball players.
5) I have spent over 40 hours on two play thoughts of the Star Wars Knight of Old Republic video game.

6) My Halo Reach tag name is HK-47(Named after one of my favorite droids from the Star Wars Knight of Old Republic video game) and Jacob's is DUDE.

7) The X-Men are our favorite comic book hero team.

A lot of our followers already have this award so if are not on the list and do not already have you are also awarded.

I give this award to

Rebecca at Just me...

Aalya Rain at Fangirl & Farmgirl

Eldra at A Day On Daremo

JediKnightGrl at A Dreamer's Galaxy

Ahsoka_Tano at A Padawan Learner's View 

 Arda at In Western Lands

Jaggerfan1 at MusicLovers

Cad Bane's chick at Pandas, Lightsabers and Cameras, oh my!! 

billyBobjoe at Waltz Through the Forest

Vellvin at An Irish Maiden


  1. I have a movie request; the football film 'Rudy' is my favorite sports film. I'd be interested just to hear your thoughts on it. :) It's an older movie but sometimes those are the ones well made. It has some great characters, too. There is some minor swearing but no really bad words. :)


  2. Thanks for the award guys! :D That was so sweet of you! :D

  3. @blue eyes, i've seen rudy and its amazing.

    thanks jandj. so thoughtful u guys!


  4. Thanks dudes! Sorry, I still haven't gotten around to posting and officially receiving the LOTR award! I never can decide my favorite characters...

  5. Thanks for the award!!
    I've already received this award already once so are you fine if I don't post it again?

  6. @Aalya Rain: No problem.

    @billyBobjoe:That is alright. You could have your top 10 or how ever many you want.

    @Vellvin: Yes, that is fine. :)


One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.