
Friday, October 28, 2011

Up Coming Movie Reviews Lists and More.

This is an update post about what is coming soon on this blog.

Movie Reviews.

X-Men: First Class
King Arthur (2004)
Iron Man 2
Green Lantern


Top 50 Best Movies Ever.
Comic Book Movies Worst to First.


How do you think we can make our blog better?
Do you have any movie review requests?
Do you have any ideas for a "Top Movies List"?
Do you find the plot summaries in our movies helpful?
Has any of our reviews help you decide if you wanted to watch a movie or to skip it?

Thank you everyone.


  1. How do you think we can our blog better?

    Nothing, I love how it is.
    Do you have any movie review requests?

    Sunset Boulevard. TRON Legacy.

    Do you have any ideas for a "Top Movies List"?


    Do you find the plot summaries in our movies helpful?


    Has any of our reviews help you decide if you wanted to watch a movie or to skip it?

    Absolutely!! I've decided to watch a few movies and skip some as well.

    Overall, your blog is fantastic and your reviews are very thorough. I love it!!

  2. I had an idea for a list; do your favorite actors and actress list! :)

    I had an idea that was interesting; would you consider signing your names at the end of posts or comments? Since there are two of you, you could maybe sign, like, "Jacob for J&J Producitons" or something like that. Just a thought. :)


  3. I had an idea for a list; do your favorite actors and actress list! :)

    I had an idea that was interesting; would you consider signing your names at the end of posts or comments? Since there are two of you, you could maybe sign, like, "Jacob for J&J Producitons" or something like that. Just a thought. :)



One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.