
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

John Williams is the Man!

This post is about the greatest composer to ever live John Williams!

If you don't already know my favorite music are movie soundtracks but I do listen to The Beatles and classic rock sometimes but what I listen to the most are movie soundtracks and my favorite soundtrack is Star Wars' soundtrack and many other movie soundtracks.

John Williams is the Man!

Star Wars Main Theme.

Imperial March

Duel of Fates

Indiana Jones Theme

JAWS theme.

Superman theme

Jurassic Park Theme

Do you like John Williams music? Please comment.


  1. YES YES YES!!! John IS the man. I love all of the Star Wars music. ROTS soundtrack was the best- so touching and emotional. Duel of Fates is SO awesome.

    I really want to see the "Star Wars in Concert" one day.

  2. ROFL, I LOVE that first one! Hilarious!

    The Star Wars music is among my favorite too! Good picks on your part! :)

    Mind if I do a similar post?


  3. Believe it or not, aside from the Star Wars soundtracks, I find John William's music... uninspired. Most of it actually has the same cues throughout and I'll actually get confused as to which soundtrack I'm actually listening to. *My* favorite composer is by far Hans Zimmer. I have at least seven of his soundtracks, and I'm still hunting around for more.

  4. I like John Williams!

  5. My favorite theme is from Superman, but several of them sound similar to it. Jurassic Park was so impressive it's the first soundtrack I ever bought. You picked a composer though who embodies the essence of a hero in his music with horns. Besides a great anthem, he captures emotion well in movies like E.T. Even critics say that his music was what made that movie more endearing than anyone could have imagined. There is a special feature where they compare a scene with and without music, it's simply compelling. In the summertime local symphonies perform the music live while people watch the movie along with it on a giant screen.

  6. John Williams is the MAN!! :D
    And guess what? There's a LOTR surprise waiting for you over at my blog!

    And I was sorry to hear about your mom! I will be praying hard for her!

  7. love his songs, lol. i like the meadow picnic and love theme. :)

  8. I'm right there with you. I love John Williams and I have been listening to his music since I was a kid.

  9. He is one of my favorite composers! I love all of his music that I've heard. That first video is awesome! :D


One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.