
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

New Design and An Award for Our Followers.

As you can probably tell we have a new blog design we decided to go with a more professional and easier to read look. Please tell us what you think and we are working on a new header.

Thanks Rebecca for giving us this award!!

After you have posted this award to your blog you must,

List your first three followers,
give this award to at least three, if not all, your followers!

We give this award to all of our followers.

 Rebecca at Just me...


  1. Thanks for the award! I like your design...I just would have the header in the center?

  2. thanks 4 the award. so awesome. i like the design but a background would be nice. i don't like the white that much.

  3. Great improvement, guys! Much easier to read! Also more professional looking! :P

    And thank you for the reward; that makes it my second. :)

  4. @Alyianna: Do you know how to put it in the center? If so please tell me and I am working on a new header.

    @Aalya Rain: Thanks for your input.

    @throughtwoblueeyes: Thanks.

  5. Awww thanks so much!!!!!!!! :D *hugs* Great new design btw!!! :D

  6. After seeing your next blog after this I do have to say it is a big improvement. My only complaint is about myself that I don't get to come over as often as I would like. Keep up the good work and as they say, "hard work brings great rewards."

  7. I love the new design!


One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.