
Monday, July 4, 2011

Kelly's Heroes review.

Kelly's Heroes review.

Directed by: Brian G. Hutton.
Genre: Action Adventure Comedy
Release date: June 23, 1970 (U.S.)
Running Time: 144mins
MMPA rating: R (Would be PG-13 today)

The Good: Great plot, The Whole movie was action or comedy, A great cast, Best war movie ever.

The Bad: There was nothing bad about it.

Kelly's Heroes trailer.

In World War II France in early September 1944, units of the 35th Infantry Division are nearing the town of Nancy when one of the division's platoons receives orders to pull out while under attack from the Germans (much to the dismay of the men, who are eager to get into Nancy in order to find a decent place to get some rest).
Kelly, a former lieutenant who'd been demoted to private as a scapegoat for being given orders to attack the wrong hill and wiping out half a Company of GI's, captures Colonel Dankhopf of German Intelligence. When Kelly notices his prisoner has a gold bar in his briefcase, he gets him drunk to try to get information about the gold. Before he is killed by an attacking German Tiger tank, the drunken Dankhopf blurts out that there is a cache of 14,000 gold bars (worth $16 million) stored in a bank vault 30 miles behind enemy lines in the town of Clermont (most likely Clermont-en-Argonne).
Kelly recruits the rest of his platoon, including skeptical Master Sergeant "Big Joe", to sneak off and steal it. Eventually, others have to be recruited (or invite themselves) into the scheme, such as an opportunistic supply sergeant "Crapgame"; a proto-beatnik Sherman tank commander, "Oddball"; and a number of stereotypical G.I.s presented as competent, but war-weary veterans who are as much fed up with their incompetent or self-serving superiors as they are with the Germans.
The expedition successfully breaks through a German held town during a mortar barrage that has been arranged by Kelly. They then meet bad fortune when an American fighter plane mistakes Kelly's group for the enemy, shooting up their vehicles and destroying them with rockets. They continue on foot and one of them dies in a minefield. Two others of their number then die in a battle on the minefield. Meanwhile Oddball's tanks head along a railway line wiping out a German depot along the way, but their route is blocked when the last large bridge to Clermont is blown up by Allied bombers, prompting Oddball to let a bridge engineering unit in on the deal. When intercepted radio messages of the private raid are brought to the attention of gung-ho American Major General Colt, he misinterprets them as the efforts of aggressive patriots pushing forward on their own initiative and immediately rushes to the front line to exploit the "breakthrough". Watch the movie to see what happens next.

Plot: 9.5/10- A very original plot.

Action: 9.2/10- Plenty of action between the comedy.

Acting: 9.6/10- An allstar cast of actors.

Special effects: N/A: No real special effects other than standerd WWII movie effects gunfire and explodisones.

Soundtrack: 8.8/10- A very good score and the maine theme song Burning Bridges was allso very good.

Comedy: 9.8/10- Kelly's Heroes is an Action Adventure Comedy the whole movie was action or comedy or both a very funny movie.

Overall: 9.6/10- Kelly's Heroes is one of the best war movies of all time and one of the best movies of al ltime.

Closeing coments: Kelly's Heroes is a movie you need to see.

Recommended for: WWII movie fans, Action Comedy fans, Clint Eastwood fans, Anyone.

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