
Saturday, June 18, 2011

What video game consoles do you own.

We would like to know what video game console you own and which is your favorite game on that console.


  1. I own a Nintendo DS and I like Ninjatown and the Sims games and Mario (even though I suck at the last one. I also own a Gameboy color and I like the Pokemon games (don't judge)

  2. The family owns an Xbox and a Wii, and my brother owns a DSi.

    Wii games: Endless Ocean; Endless Ocean: Blue World; Brawl; several horse games; Mario & Sonic-Winter Olypmics; several racing games; and at least a dozen other games.

    Xbox: Battlefront II; Forza Motorsport; five other racing games; two LOTR games; plus other games.

    It may seem like a lot of games, but in all truth, I don't even know if we have forty games between the two systems.

  3. Our family has a Wii. My favorite games are Sims 2: Castaway, Spore Hero, New Super Mario Bros., Mario Kart, and Wii Sports Resort.


One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.