
Friday, October 14, 2016

Batman v Superman: The Fundamental Flaw

“The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated.” Yes, I am indeed, not dead. Yeah, I've been away from the blogosphere for a while. I'm not sure if anyone cares to hear an explanation, but I guess I will explain after post. Above is a brilliant video about Batman v Superman and why it fails. Sometimes, as a critic, you can have a feeling that something is off, yet you cannot articulate yourself. Thankfully, this great YouTube channel I discovered, Nerd Writer, does an excellent job at breaking down one of the main flaws in Batman v Superman. Check it out! 

As for my absence, it can mostly attributed to school and my disability taking up all of my physical typing energy. That's really it. Well, hope every enjoyed the video!   

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Coming Soon: October 2016

Hello once again everyone! Hope your transitions from Summer into Fall were wonderful :-) Let's review September before we dive into October's offerings.

Morgan: Not the sci-fi classic it was hoping to be it would seem. I didn't hear much about this one because I'm guessing people had forgotten that they'd seen it.
The Light Between Oceans: Touching, if not overlong, and ultimately just a bit too sad for its own good. It features gorgeous cinematography and fantastic lead performances but is missing a couple key components to be truly remarkable. RRS: 7.5/10
Sully: A taut, well-organized, intense thriller that will make you cringe in your seat, even if we already know what happens. A tremendous effort by Hanks and Eastwood based on the tremendous effort by the actual pilot, Sully. RRS: 9/10
Blair Witch: Features some effective scares and the "found footage" takes some appreciated steps forward (i.e. drones and HD) but ultimately this is a forgettable and generic horror film. RRS: 6.5/10
Snowden: Not nearly as great as it should have been, Snowden played it safe and resulted in a film that was a bit of a bore when you'd expect it to be edge-of-your-seat thrilling. Still though, the subject matter is interesting and the performances were strong. RRS: 7/10
The Magnificent Seven: It would have been almost the lone "surprise" of the summer as this remake is bada**, fun, and violent. It doesn't rewrite the book on this plot or Westerns as a whole, but the great cast and action filming make it well worth your time. RRS: 8/10
Storks: Seems to be a funny, if not generic animated film that the whole family can enjoy. 
Deepwater Horizon: Much like Sully, this is an effective retelling of a story where we already know what happens. Strong cast, intense sequences of mayhem, and teaches the audience effectively about oil rigs. RRS: 8/10
Masterminds: Being delayed by over a year didn't do anything to help this film as its critical reception has been lukewarm. The laughs don't come often enough for the cast that's involved.

Biggest Disappointment: Snowden
Biggest Surprise: The Magnificent Seven
Worst Movie: Blair Witch
Best Movie: Sully

October is really shaping up to be a busy month where many Oscar contenders will release. Let's take a look at everything coming out. As is always the case, click the titles for trailers!

For It: It's won several awards on the indie circuit thus far and looks to be a powerful retelling of the struggle for African American's to find freedom in this country. Count on it to have strong performances and timely lessons to be learned.
Against It: Not much other than the fact that I'm not sure how you compete with 12 Years a Slave or Selma, both great films. Civil Rights movement films seem to have become their own genre lately (probably because of the current political climate) and I imagine it's hard to stand out in such good company. 

For It: It's subject material is fantastic and features a winding, twisting road towards its climax and revelation. From the trailers it looks like they're taking it more seriously a la Gone Girl as opposed to cheesy a la 50 Shades.
Against It: Depends how they treat the subject matter. Girl on Train is certainly no Gone Girl in terms of their respective novels, but it was still an engrossing story that kept you guessing. A close adaptation would be welcomed.

For It: The trailers have been phenomenal and after realizing that Affleck is the best thing in the DC Universe, I'm eager to see his next roles. I get the feeling that this will be a smart, brooding thriller that doesn't disappoint.
Against It: Its premise is a bit silly and it could all end up being more like a Taken than the realistic action thriller its setting itself up as.

For It: Inferno is probably in my Top 5 books of all time and I'd say it's Dan Brown's best novel. The groundwork is certainly there, especially if they handle the villain correctly. Tom Hanks remains as Robert Langdon and he's probably the best part about this series.
Against It: For whatever reason, Ron Howard has trouble pushing his films into that extra territory. They lack that special something to really resonate emotionally and be thrilling. I blame original scores and editing mostly, but it's hard to put a finger on it. I highly doubt that this one bucks that trend.

For It:  Hart is one of the hardest working entertainers there is and I applaud his effort to create a unique standup experience. I'm sure it's going to be outrageous.
Against It: Hart can wear on the senses sometimes so hopefully this standup is smart and funny rather than loud/obnoxious and funny. Or at least a combo of both.

For It: The previous Jack Reacher was surprisingly entertaining, turning a somewhat generic action icon into a slightly less generic action movie. It doesn't hurt that Tom Cruise can lead an action movie like no one's business either.
Against It: Jack Reacher and its trailer still come across as generic. It takes a skilled filmmaker to make something more of a film like this as it doesn't necessarily dive into the crazy stunts that make Mission Impossible films so awesome. If that skill isn't there, this will be forgettable.

For It: The cast looks like it could have a lot of fun hamming it up (pun somewhat intended) and there are funny moments in the trailer. Plus its cool to see Gal Gadot in a comedy after her somewhat-newfound superstardom and before WW
Against It: I imagine the laughs are few and far between and that it tries too hard for most of them, as it would seem like in the trailer.

For It: By switching time periods this sequel to a pretty bad original film became instantly more interesting and the initial trailers do indeed look really messed up.
Against It: Horror sequel history wants to count against this one, despite the smart creative changes. A time period change doesn't necessarily equate to an automatically worthwhile film.

Must See (in order): The Accountant, Birth of a Nation, Girl on a Train
On My Radar: Inferno, Kevin Hart: What Now?, Jack Reacher: Never Go Back
Predicted Duds: Keeping Up with the Jones, Ouija: Origin of Evil 

 There ya have it! October has the potential to be a great month and hopefully it doesn't swing the other way. Check back in November with the return to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter and Marvel's next [likely] homerun. As always, I'd be really appreciative if you came and followed me through Blogger at RATH'S REVIEWS and like me on Facebook HERE! I follow-for-follow 100%. Thanks again!!